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I've started going to evening classes to learn how to do things properly, rather than just muddling along.我已经开始去夜校听课了,学习如何做事,而不是瞎混日子。There's no point in muddling on in the same old job for ever.老在同一个工作上混下去没有意思。He's still muddling along.他仍然是在糊里糊涂地混日子。I'm always muddling the twins up.这一对双胞胎我老是分不清。I've been muddling about all morning, and got nothing done.我整个上午空忙了一阵,什么事也没干成。The speaker was muddling along, and nobody could follow what he was trying to say.演讲者在杂乱无章地往下讲,谁也弄不清他在讲些什么。 |