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词汇 mud
例句 The mud stuck to her boots, making her feet heavy and her legs tired.她的靴子上沾满了泥,使她举步沉重,双腿疲惫不堪。A couple of local people helped us dig out the car, which was by now completely stuck in the mud.汽车现已完全陷入了泥里,几个当地人帮我们把它挖了出来。A passing car spattered mud all over her new coat.一辆驶过的汽车溅得她的新外套到处都是泥浆。You've got splashes of mud on your pants.你裤子上溅了泥浆。A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud.一阵大风刮得他失去平衡,脸朝下摔在泥里。They cleared the mud from the steps.他们把台阶上的泥清除干净。The guns sank deeper and deeper into the mud.大炮在泥中越陷越深。The robber left an impression of his feet in the mud.强盗在烂泥里留下了他的脚印。His boots sank deep into the mud.他的靴子深深地陷进了泥里。The bearings are all gummed up with mud.轴承都被泥巴糊住了。Come on, don't be such an old stick in the mud.得了,别这样保守了。The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area.洪水退去后留下的淤泥覆盖了整个区域。They spent much of their time knee-deep in mud.他们在没膝深的泥地里费了好长时间。The mud disappeared under a blanket of snow.泥巴被积雪盖住了。His shoes were covered with mud. = His shoes were caked in/with mud.他的鞋沾满了泥。African rivers turn to hard mud during the dry season.非洲的河流在旱季会变成干硬的泥地。A sudden storm turned the earth to mud.一场突如其来的暴雨把泥土变成了泥浆。The mud made the roads impassable.这些道路非常泥泞,无法通行。Hayley scraped the dried mud off her boots.海利把干泥从皮靴上刮去。The heels of her shoes had left indentations in the mud.她的鞋跟把泥地踩得坑坑洼洼。The boat beached on a mud flat.船在淤泥滩搁浅了。His feet sank in the mud.他的脚陷进烂泥中。If we skirt around the field we can avoid the mud.如果我们绕过田野就不会踩上烂泥。Tyres had thrown the mud into ridges, making the road impassable.轮胎把泥浆甩到田埂上,使得道路无法通行。Her shoes were caked with mud.她的鞋上全是泥。His boots were spotted with mud.他的靴子上沾有泥渍。The walk involved tramping through mud.走这段路要踏过泥地。My boots and trousers were plastered with mud.我的靴子和裤子上沾满了泥巴。Her dress was spattered with mud.她的裙子溅上了泥浆。The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.盐沼和泥滩吸引了大量水鸟。There was a splash of mud on the wall.墙上有溅上去的泥点。He tried to extract his pole from the mud.他努力把竿子从泥里拔出来。If anything goes wrong, your name will be mud.要是出了任何问题,你就会声名狼藉。My dad's a real stick-in-the-mud.我爸爸古板得要命。The bird shaped its nest from mud and sticks.鸟用泥和枝条筑巢。They carted the mud off in wheelbarrows.他们用独轮手推车把泥运走。The oars had churned up the mud, clouding the water.船桨搅起烂泥,水变得一片浑浊。They make their houses out of mud and stones.他们用泥土和石头造房子。They said they would drag Tom through the mud.他们扬言要汤姆名誉扫地。The road had never been paved and deep mud was often a problem.这条路从来没有铺过路面,泥泞不堪的道路经常带来不便。




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