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词汇 at this time
例句 The Liberal party controlled the Senate at this time.这个时候是自由党掌控参议院。There are more people buying at this time of the year so prices are high.这个季节购物的人比较多,所以价格高。Watch out for big discounts and clearance sales at this time of the year.留意每年这时候的大减价和清仓大甩卖。There's no way to cross the mountains, leastways at this time of the year.没有办法穿越群山,至少在一年中的这个时候是不行的 。By calling the election at this time,the government has flung down the gauntlet to the opposing parties.政府提出这个时候选举,以此向反对党挑战。England is so lovely at this time of year.每年的这个时候英格兰都非常漂亮。Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.过于繁茂的落叶灌木可以在每年的这个时候修剪。The shops and offices pour millions of lookers into the streets at this time of day.一天中的这段时间有数以百万计的职工从商店和办公场所涌向街头。The weather might be a bit dodgy at this time of year.每年的这个时候天气都可能有些变化无常。Cold weather at this time of year is a real freak.一年的这个时候天气这么冷真是希奇。What are you doing wandering about the school at this time of night?你怎么会在晚上这个时候在学校里闲逛呢?The winds are pretty strong at this time of year.一年中的这个时候风挺大的。Who can be phoning us at this time of night?谁会在晚上这个时候给我们打电话呢?Sunny skies are the rule at this time of year.每年这个时候晴空万里是很常见的。The weather is usually dry and sunny at this time of year.每年这个时候的天气通常晴朗干燥,阳光明媚。You pay the peak rate for calls at this time of day.在一天的这个时间段打电话是高峰收费。The hills will be lovely at this time of year.每年这时候,山中的景色都十分美丽。Many women at this time rejected the tyranny of fashion.现在有很多妇女不愿受时尚的左右。There won't be much traffic on the roads at this time of night.晚上这个时候路上不会有多少车辆。Many writers at this time held rigidly dogmatic views.这个时代的许多作家观点十分僵化教条。What are you doing here at this time of night?都夜里这个时候了,你在这儿干什么?He needs you at this time, despite the fact he tries to isolate himself from you.尽管他努力要疏远你,但是在这个时候他其实是需要你的。Rivers are liable to overflow at this time of the year.每年的这个时候河流都容易泛滥。What are you doing out at this time of night?晚上这个时候你在外面干什么?You get a lot of idiots on the road at this time of night.晚上这个时候你会在路上见到许多傻瓜。Who are you calling at this time of night?这么晚了,你在给谁打电话?Dana isn't strong enough to survive the operation at this time.达娜这次身体不够强健,挺不过这个手术。There's not much call for ice cream at this time of year. 每年这个时候都是冰激凌销售的淡季。Ice on the road is a major hazard at this time of the year.道路结冰是每年这个时候主要的危害。Usually at this time our thoughts are on Christmas.通常在这种时候,我们的心思全放在了圣诞节上。George's fortunes at this time were at a very low ebb.乔治这时候的运气非常背。It's a bit stiff to expect us to go out at this time of night.要我们在夜里这么晚的时候出去未免有点过分。You'll be lucky to get a taxi at this time of night.夜里这个时候你要是能打着车真算你幸运。It's unusual to get snow at this time of year.一年的这个时候难得有雪。Snow is improbable, albeit possible, at this time of year.纵有可能性,这个季节不大像会下雪。The cause of the accident is not determinable at this time.事故的起因目前还不能确定。It's usually much colder at this time of year.每年的这个时候天气通常冷多了。His was the only car there at this time of day.在一天中的这个时候,他的车是那里唯一的一辆车。You shouldn't be out on your own at this time of night.你不该独自一人晚上这个时候出去。The police are appealing for any person who was in the area at this time to contact them.警方呼吁当时在那个地区的人和他们联系。




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