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词汇 at the time
例句 Changes were taking place, though at the time no one fully appreciated how far-reaching these changes were to be.变化正在发生,可是当时没有人充分意识到这些变化的意义有多深远。You're not going to pin it on me! I was a hundred miles away at the time.这事你别想赖我!我当时还在一百英里之外呢。The book caused only a ripple at the time it was published.此书出版时只引起微小的反响。What was the speed of the car at the time of the accident?那汽车出事的时候车速是多少?He lived at the time of the Napoleonic wars.他生活在拿破仑战争时期。Well, parenthetically, I was trying to quit smoking at the time.嗯,插一句,我那时正在努力戒烟。The vehicle did not have a current test certificate at the time of the accident.那辆车在发生事故时没有当时有效的检测合格证书。Members of the Colombian team were competing stateside at the time.当时,哥伦比亚队正在美国比赛。Where were you at the time of the murder?凶杀案发生时你在什么地方?We were unable to contact him at the time.我们当时无法和他取得联系。US foreign policy at the time hadn't made the slightest difference in the situation.当时美国的对外政策在这种情况下一点都不起作用。This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.这幅油画是那个时期风靡一时的自然主义风格的完美典范。I would like to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time of the robbery.我想听听发生抢劫案时在场的人的说法。Roosevelt's chief worry at the time was that an attack on Britain would put the US at a strategic disadvantage.罗斯福当时主要担心的是,对英国的进攻会让美国处于不利的战略地位。I don't know what I was thinking at the time. I was really mixed up.我不知道自己当时在想什么。我真的懵了。Time in a period of waiting, too, had its relativistic possibilities, expanded or contracted, according to how you were feeling at the time.在等候中度过的时间也有它的相对可能性,即或可扩延或可缩短,全由你当时感觉如何而定。If I remember correctly, he wasn't there at the time.如果我记得不错的话,他当时不在场。I was abroad at the time, so I got the news second-hand.当时我在国外,所以我间接得知了该消息。I did not notice the defects at the time of purchase.购买时我没有注意到这些瑕疵。He was fit, happy and sober at the time.那时候他身体健康,心情愉快,而且饮食有度。My father was out of work at the time, so we struggled, obviously.我爸爸当时失业了,所以很显然我们的日子很不好过。He mentioned her in passing but I didn't think anything of it at the time.他提及她时一带而过,而我当时也没多想。John was there at the time, so he can fill you in on what actually happened.约翰当时在场,他能告诉你到底发生了什么事。It was at the time incomparably worse for Truman than for Wallace.当时杜鲁门的境遇相对于华莱士来说要糟糕得多得多。Those dark days seemed endless at the time.当时那些黑暗的日子似乎永无止境。I based my statement on reports circulating at the time.我的说法是基于当时流传的报道。Her actions was considered very daring at the time.她的行为在当时被认为是非常大胆的。The soldiers concerned were unarmed at the time.有关士兵当时并未携带武器。Consider yourself lucky you weren't in the car at the time.你当时不在车里,你应该感到庆幸。Martin claimed that he was with friends at the time of his wife's murder.马丁称,妻子被杀时他和朋友在一起。I was just in grade school at the time, but I remember it perfectly.当时我还在上小学,可我记得非常清楚。The commission found that the officer on duty at the time was not wholly responsible.委员会发现当时的值日军官并不应该承担全部责任。He had quite a drunk on him at the time.当时他正醉得厉害。In the report it was disclosed that neither pilot nor controller had any experience of the radar system in use at the time of the crash.报告披露,在撞机事故发生时,飞行员和调度员对正在使用的雷达系统都没有任何经验。Her doctor is her alibi: she was in surgery at the time of the murder.她的医生能证明她不在犯罪现场:谋杀案发生时她正在接受手术。I was trying to quit smoking at the time.当时我正在努力戒烟。Lingerie that doubles as clothing was very fashionable at the time.当时,内衣外穿是非常时髦的。She was not under a doctor's care at the time of the accident.事故发生时,她身边没有医生照料。She was dealing with a family crisis at the time.当时她正在处理一场家庭危机。In the doctor's opinion he was sane at the time of the murder.按照医生的看法,他在谋杀时神志清醒。




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