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词汇 mountainside
例句 She watched the magnificent waterfall cascade down the mountainside.她看着壮观的瀑布从山坡上倾泻而下。The mountainside is aflame with the crimson maple.山腰枫叶红似火。The mountainside was laid bare by loggers. 山坡上的树木已被伐木工人砍伐殆尽。I was in no mood for heroics after my fall and skied very slowly down the mountainside.我摔倒之后再也没有心情逞英雄,而是慢慢滑雪下了山坡。He nested the cottages in clusters, at different levels on the mountainside.他在一层层的山坡上盖建了一簇簇的小别墅群。The lava slurped and bubbled down the mountainside.熔岩汩汩地流下山坡。Strong winds sweep the mountainside.强风掠过山坡。We nearly died of exposure on the mountainside.我们在山腰差点冻死。People fled in fear of their lives, as mud began to pour down the mountainside.当泥浆从山坡上冲下来时,大家都害怕得赶快逃命。They had to blast their way through the mountainside to build the tunnel.他们不得不炸穿山腰来建隧道。He hurtled down the mountainside.他飞奔下山坡。The couple trudged up the dark mountainside.这对夫妇在黑黝黝的山坡上艰难跋涉。The path climbs steeply up the mountainside.小路陡直爬上山腰。They were tunnelling into the mountainside.他们正在山腰上挖隧道。We left the road, and again bumped over the mountainside.我们驶下公路,然后又一路颠簸行驶在山坡上。Great rocks rolled down the mountainside.巨大的岩石顺着山坡滚落下来。Thousands of refugees are spending tonight on a mountainside in subzero temperatures.今晚,数以千计的难民在气温低于零度的山腰上过夜。He dislodged a rock from the mountainside.他从山腰上挖出一块岩石。The mountainside has been laid bare by loggers. 这片山坡被伐木工人砍成了光秃秃的一片。




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