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词汇 mould
例句 When they first started, they said they were going to break the mould of British politics.刚开始时他们说他们将打破英国政治的原有格局。The goodness of an apple has gone by the time mould appears on it.苹果一发霉就没营养了。Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese into small balls or ovals.用两把勺子将奶酪滚成小球形或椭圆形。They are attempting to mould their restaurant into a location for business lunches.他们正试图把自己的饭店改造成适合商业午餐的场所。He's a player in the Federer mould.他是费德勒那一类型的球员。Before eating,scrape the mould from the surface.在吃之前把表面上的霉斑刮掉。The two were men of quite different mould.两人性格完全不同。Spoon the mixture carefully into the mould.将混合物小心地舀进模具。Damp and mould can easily permeate the wood.潮湿和霉菌很容易侵入这种木材。The bread was covered in green mould.面包上长满了绿色的霉菌。The new party promised to break the mould of British politics.新政党答应要打破英国政治的陈规旧习。Using a spoon, mould the cheese mixture into small balls.用勺子将奶酪混合物塑成小球状。The molten metal is poured into the mould.把熔化的金属倒入铸模。Their approach to sports teaching broke the mould.他们的体育教学方法打破了常规。Another method, used especially for figures, was to pour the clay into a mould.另一个方法,尤其用于铸造人像,是把黏土倒入模具中。Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals.用两把小匙将奶酪混合物塑成圆球或椭圆球形状。He cut the mould off a piece of cheese.他将一块奶酪上发霉的部分切了下来。He's cast in the same mould as his father.他的性格和他父亲一样。Plants must be covered with a leaf-mould or similarly protected if frost threatens.如果霜冻来临,植物必须盖上腐叶土或用类似方法加以保护。She said in court papers she'd been constructively evicted because water leaks and mould made the house uninhabitable.她在递交法庭的文件中说,房间漏水、发霉,不能住人,自己是被迫搬离的。Everyone who works for that firm seems to be cast in the same mould.为那家公司工作的人好像都是从一个模子里造出来似的。She is clearly from a different mould from her team mate.她与队友显然不属一类。Their latest album includes several songs in the classic folk mould.他们最新的专辑收录了几首古典民间音乐风格的歌曲。He doesn't fit into the usual mould of bosses.他跟一般的老板不一样。He seemed cast in the same plastic mould as his parents.他同他父母像是一副模子里塑成的。You need a malleable pillow that will mould to the curves of your neck.你需要一个柔韧性好、能与你的颈椎弯曲弧度相吻合的枕头。Castings are made by pouring molten metal into a mould and allowing it to solidify.金属熔液注入模具后,让它凝固,就制成了铸件。Leave the clay in the mould overnight.把黏土在模子里放一夜。The coach must mould the group into a team.教练必须把这群队员打造成一个团队。Tools are made by pouring liquid metal into a mould and allowing it to cool and solidify.工具是把金属熔液注入模具,让它冷却凝固后制成的。The organisms are a slime mould / mold.微生物是一种黏菌。Breaking the traditional mould of local politics is not going to be easy.打破地方政治的传统模式并非易事。Using two spoons, mould the cheese into small balls or ovals.用两把勺子将奶酪滚成小球形或椭圆形。The walls were black with mould.墙上发了霉,黑乎乎的。If damp, musty buildings make you ill, mould is probably the cause.如果潮湿发霉的建筑令你生病了,霉菌很可能是病因。Memorial services have become tedious and expected. I would like to help break the mould.追悼仪式已变得冗长乏味、毫无新意,我想为打破这种既有模式做点什么。He was from the same mould as the men she had gazed at worshipfully when a child: rich, handsome, of impeccable social standing.他富有、英俊、有无可挑剔的社会地位,是她孩提时就仰慕的那种男人。Mushrooms and mould are fungi.蘑菇和霉菌都是真菌。




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