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Learning can take place only when there is motivation.有了动力,才能学好。There seems to be a lack of motivation among the employees.员工们似乎缺乏干劲。Some students need motivation to help them through school.一些学生需要通过激励来帮助他们完成学业。We consistently underestimate the resources and motivation of our adversaries.我们一直低估了对手的能力与拼劲。The foreign aid programme was in fact strictly national in motivation.外援计划的动机其实纯粹是为了本国利益。At times even the most talented athletes lose their motivation.有时就连最有天赋的运动员也会失去动力。His poor performance may be attributed to lack of motivation rather than to reading difficulties.他糟糕的表现也许要归因于缺乏积极性,而不是阅读障碍。Our real motivation is to make a profit.我们真正的动机是赚取利润。He's a bright enough student - he just lacks motivation.他是个很聪明的学生,只是缺乏积极性。By this time the children had lost all their motivation for writing poetry.到了这个时候,孩子们已完全没有了写诗的兴致。Every top sportsman needs the motivation of a fresh challenge.每一位一流的运动员都需要新的挑战来激励他们。Many of the boys have very poor motivation.许多男孩子积极性不高。Such measures are likely to result in decreased motivation of the workforce.这些措施很可能使全体员工的工作热情下降。Being a teacher needs a high level of motivation.当老师需要很高的积极性。This was the primary motivation behind their crimes.这是他们犯罪的主要动机。The players were tired and lacked motivation.这些队员疲惫不堪,而且获胜欲望不强。There is suspicion about the motivation behind the changes we are debating.我们在争论的这场变革,其背后的动机让人怀疑。Being involved in a group decision can increase an individual's motivation.参与集体决策可以提高个人的工作积极性。There is no American geopolitical motivation for hostility between Iran and the US.伊朗和美国之间的敌对状态不存在美国地缘政治方面的动机。Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself, it's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high.除非减肥是为了悦已,否则很难保持积极性。You can do anything if you've got the motivation.只要你够积极,什么都可以做到。His behavior seemed to be without motivation. = There seemed to be no motivation for his behavior.他的行为似乎没有动机。In the secondary school motivation involves many types of activities.在中等学校里,激发学习兴趣涉及多种活动。Mr Gringold droned on, mouthing the usual platitudes about motivation and self-reliance.格林戈尔德先生唠唠叨叨,信口说什么要有积极性、要自立之类的老套话。She enjoyed the excitement of her work. Money was not her only motivation.她喜欢这份工作带来的刺激感,挣钱不是她的唯一动力。Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks motivation.杰克是一个很聪明的学生,但缺乏积极性。Measurable results are the key to motivation on any diet.减肥效果可以计量是人们有动力节食的关键。She insists her success is due to motivation rather than brilliance.她坚称她的成功靠的是干劲,而不是才智。His prime motivation is money.他的主要动力是金钱。He admitted a lack of motivation and a feeling of sloth.他承认自己缺乏动力,总想犯懒。Fame was the main motivation for their efforts.他们努力的主要动力是为了名声。Any insights into the killer's motivation were hypothetical.对于杀手动机的任何见解都是假设性的。I once led a seminar on motivation.我曾组织过一次关于激发工作积极性的研讨会。His motivation for wanting to stay on as manager is to see England as the top team in the world.他想继续留任当教练的动力在于他想看到英格兰队成为世界顶尖球队。Gross's skill in motivation looked in doubt when his side began the second half badly.球队下半场开局不利,看来格洛斯激励队员的技巧值得怀疑。If I try to unpick my own motivation, I think mostly I was jealous.如果要我深入剖析我自己的动机,我想在极大程度上是嫉妒。Their motivation is other than me.他们的动机不同于我的。 |