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例句 He paints mostly in oils.他通常画油画。The street market is a tourist trap that mostly sells cheap souvenirs.街头集市是敲游客竹杠的地方,那里卖的大多都是廉价纪念品。In her second term, the doubts and hesitancies of the first administration were mostly shed.在第二个任期,她基本摆脱了第一届政府的不自信和犹豫不决。We eat mostly Italian food.我们主要吃意大利食品。The book is about her experience as a woman of color in a mostly white community.这本书讲述了一个非白人妇女在白人主导的社会中的经历。We are mostly out on Sundays.星期天我们一般不在家。The race is run mostly on the flat.这场赛跑大部分在平地进行。The reviews were mostly positive.评论大多数是正面的。We mostly play in bars and nightclubs.我们大多数时候是在酒吧和夜总会演奏。Terminal 3 is used mostly for domestic flights.三号航站楼主要用于国内航班。The people at the concert were mostly older people. 这场音乐会的听众几乎全部是老年人。The protests were mostly peaceful.抗议活动多半是非暴力的。Our long courtship had been conducted mostly by letter.我们的恋爱长跑主要靠书信往来维持。In fact, the recordings were mostly unrehearsed improvisations.事实上,这些唱片收录的大部分乐曲都是没排练过的即兴之作。Rattlesnakes hunt mostly at night.响尾蛇通常在夜晚捕猎。The second half of the hike is mostly downhill.徒步旅行的后半段大多是下坡。He mostly stayed at home tucking up the children.他主要待在家里,帮孩子们盖好被子睡觉。The play received mostly laudatory reviews.大部分评论都对这部剧作称赞有加。Slang is used mostly in informal/casual speech.俚语主要用于非正式口语中。The old man's beard was mostly grey.那位老人胡须大半花白。Multiple shutter-speeds are mostly a sales gimmick.多重快门速度大多数是销售花招。The region is mostly desert.这个地区大部分是沙漠。The changes will mostly involve low-level jobs/workers.这些变化主要涉及低级别的工种/工人。He gave me a pile of bank notes, mostly in small denominations.他给了我一沓钞票,其中大部分都是小面额的。I was meeting these chaps who were mostly more or less my own age.我见到了这帮小伙子,他们多数和我年龄相仿。The American Congress and media mostly missed the point about all this.美国国会和媒体大都没搞清这一切的核心问题。The early stuff is mostly unlistenable.早期的作品大多都无法入耳。They have mostly invested their money in expensive real estate.他们已把钱主要投资到昂贵的房地产业了。The companies recruit mostly retired army personnel.这些公司主要招收退伍军人。He had to admit that his feelings for her were mostly sexual.他不得不承认,他对她的感觉主要是在性的方面。These animals are mostly active during the day.这些动物通常白天活跃。She is known mostly for her love poetry.她主要以她的爱情诗而闻名。These debates have been successful, mostly because of well-chosen speakers and lively topics.这些辩论之所以成为了一个成功的系列,主要是因为辩论发言人是经过精挑细选的,而且辩论话题生动有趣。They behaved far too well for their context, which was mostly Detroit.多数时间他们生活在底特律,在这样的环境里,他们的举止显得太过文雅。He wants to set up a profit-making company, owned mostly by the university.他想成立一家主要归这所大学所有的营利性公司。They lived mainly/mostly on fruits and berries.他们主要以水果和浆果为食。She had had a very exciting career, mostly in Birmingham.她曾有过一个富有刺激性的生涯,主要在伯明翰。Those barriers that do exist are mostly surmountable.确实存在的障碍大多是可以克服的。Our fellow travellers were mostly Spanish-speaking tourists.我们同行的旅伴大多是讲西班牙语的游客。She is one of the few paid public officials in a town run mostly by volunteers.她是这个主要靠志愿者管理的镇子里少数拿工资的公务员之一。




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