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例句 Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.教师们抱怨他们花在行政工作上的时间超过了教学的时间。It's not a severe pain, more of a persistent niggle.疼痛并不剧烈,而是那种持续、轻微的疼痛。This movie is really more of a biopic than a drama.这部电影其实是部传记片,而非戏剧。Being HIV-positive, I allow, means doing a bit more of my work while I still can.我承认,艾滋病病毒检测呈阳性意味着我要在力所能及的时候多做一点工作。I'm afraid you're more of a hindrance to me than a help at this point.恐怕你这会儿不但帮不上忙,反倒成了累赘。Come along, Mother, we don't need to take up any more of Mr Kemp's time.走吧,妈妈,我们不必再打扰肯普先生了。We'll have no more of that behavior! = We can't have that sort of behavior! = We can't have you behaving like that! = We can't be having you behave like that!我们不允许你那么做!The film is more of a fantasy than a horror story.与其说这是一部恐怖片,不如说是一部幻想片。That will do, Charles. I don't want to see any more of that kind of behaviour.查尔斯,够了,我不想再看到你那样的举动。He left New York in 1932 and we heard no more of him thereafter.他一九三二年离开纽约,自那以后再没有听到他的音讯。I was hoping for something different, but all I got was more of the same old thing.我期盼着会有点变化,但结果却还是那老一套。Her sister was always more of an extrovert.她妹妹总是更像性格外向的人。One of the few compensations of losing my job was seeing more of my family.失业带来的为数不多的好处之一就是可以更多地和家人在一起。I don't want any more of that heavy stuff.我再也不想碰那种麻烦事了。He received more of the blame than anyone when the plan failed to work.计划失败后,他受到了比别人更多的指责。We need more of his ilk.我们需要更多像他那种类型的人。Nowhere is drug abuse more of a problem than in the US.没有什么地方吸毒问题比美国更严重。The more of them I met, the more I realized this was an untold story.我和他们的人结识得越多,越发认识到这是一个未为人知的故事。I'm not going to stand for any more of this nonsense.我不想再听到这样的胡言乱语了。He was quite out of touch with the general mores of the day.他对当时的大众习俗相当陌生。I might buy a couple more of those scarves.我也许会多买几条那种围巾。It was more of an idle threat than anything.这更多是吓唬人的。I want no more of your nonsense.我不想再听你胡说了。There were a few more of us at the second meeting.在第二次会面的时候我们又多了一些人。They look on it as more of a duty than a pleasure.他们认为此事责任多于乐趣。I shouldn't have any more of this cake. It's way too fattening.我决不能再吃那种蛋糕了,吃这很容易长胖。Japan might be able to unload more of its steel abroad.日本或许能向国外倾销更多的钢铁。We have nothing against diversity; indeed, we want more of it.我们一点都不反对多样化;实际上,我们还需要更多样化一些。When we opened the store, our ambition was to make shopping less of a chore, more of a pleasure.我们开商店时的目标是使购物少点麻烦,多点乐趣。He has produced a string of thrillers, and this movie is just more of the same.他拍过好多惊悚片,这部又是一样。Impoverished pensioners will be more of a drain on the NHS.生活贫困的养老金领取者会成为英国国家卫生服务体系更大的财政负担。Shall I give you some different sort of fruit or would you like more of the same?要不要给你一些别的水果,还是再要一些同样的?The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story.这部影片与其说是恐怖片,不如说是带有讽刺意味的奇幻片。I won't waste any more of your valuable time.我不再浪费你的宝贵时间了。I'm more of a thinker than a doer.我更善于思考,而不善于实干。It irks them that some people have more of a chance than others for their voices to be heard.一些人会比其他人有更多的机会表达自己的意见,这让他们感到愤愤不平。As the afternoon drew on we were joined by more of the regulars.随着午后时光的渐渐消逝,又有些老主顾加入到我们当中来了。The way that American history is taught may change in order to accommodate some more of those cultures.美国历史的授课方式可能会为了照顾到更多的文化而作改变。He now needs more of the drug to achieve/get/produce the same effect.他现在需要更多药物才能取得相同效果。Buck up your ideas or you'll get more of the same treatment.打起精神来,否则你会吃更多苦头。




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