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例句 That's more like it! You're really starting to improve.这才像话!你确实开始有长进了。This is more like a down payment, or a deposit, if you like.这更像是首付,也可以说是定金。You will feel more like yourselves after a good rest.好好休息以后,你们会完全恢复过来的。He's more like a film star than a lifeguard, really.真的,与其说他像救生员,不如说他更像电影明星。You'll feel more like yourselves after a good rest.好好休息一下,你们就会恢复平时的健康活力。My sister looks like my dad, but I look more like my mother.我姐姐长得像爸爸,我则更像妈妈。It was supposed to be a restaurant but seemed more like a dive bar.名义上这是家餐馆,不过看起来更像个廉价酒吧。With the dark clouds moving in, rain seems more like a probability than a possibility.乌云滚滚而来,似乎极有可能会下雨。It's not quite red, it's more like a maroon color.这不完全是红色,更有点像褐紫色。It was scarcely big enough to be called a school - it was more like a garage.这样的规模简直不能称之为学校—那更像是一个车库。Once we were off the main freeway, the trip felt more like a vacation.我们一离开主高速公路,这次旅行感觉就更像是一次度假了。He's more like a film star than a football manager, really.真的,与其说他像足球教练,不如说他更像电影明星。I think you look more like your aunt Margaret than your sister does.我觉得你比你姐姐更像你姨妈玛格丽特。The builders say they'll be finished in three months, but I think it'll be more like six.建筑商说他们会在三个月内完工,但是我认为六个月的可能性更大。That's more like it, you're getting into the swing of things now.这才对了嘛,你现在慢慢开始熟悉情况了。The opening speeches sounded more like declarations of war than offerings of peace.开场的几段讲话听上去更像是战争宣言而不是和平倡议。He felt more and more like a fifth wheel at the office.他感觉自己在办公室里越来越像个多余的人。The building looked more like a doll's house than a human dwelling.这幢大楼看起来更像洋娃娃的房子而不是住人的地方。The building looks more like a museum than a library.这座建筑物看起来更像是博物馆而不是图书馆。She's my boss in name only. We're really more like partners.她只是我名义上的老板,实际上我们更像是合作伙伴。They started to pattern themselves to look more like their sister company.他们开始进行模仿,让自己和他们的姊妹公司更相像。This is more like a downpayment, or a deposit, if you like.这更像是首付,也可以说是定金。The country looks more and more like a police state.这个国家看上去越来越像个警察国家。The portrait looks more like an unfocused snapshot.这幅肖像看上去更像是模糊的快照。He always seemed old to me, more like a grandfather than a father.我总感到他长相见老,更像祖父而不是父亲。 It's good to see you looking more like your old self again.很高兴看到你几乎和以前一样了。She seems more like her former self.她似乎回到了以前的样子。His relaxed, unstructured jackets feel more like cardigans.他的那些宽松的休闲夹克感觉更像是开襟毛衣。The baby is/looks more like his mother than his father.这个婴儿长得更像他母亲而不太像他父亲。He looks more like a stockbroker than a teen idol.他看起来不像是青少年偶像,而更像个股票经纪人。I thought it would only take two or three minutes, but it ended up taking more like half an hour. 我本以为两三分钟就好了,可最终花了半小时左右。Doreen's leaving party looked more like a board meeting, with the chairman and directors there to say goodbye.多琳的离职聚会看上去更像是一次董事会议,董事长和董事们都来和他道别。




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