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词汇 morally
例句 In those days, people believed that divorce was morally wrong, but this now seems very old-fashioned.那个时候,人们认为离婚是有违道德的,但现在这种想法似乎很过时了。There is a belief that village life is somehow morally superior to city life.有这样一种观点,认为乡村生活从某种程度上说在道德上要高于城市生活。I am morally certain that he is incapable of deliberately harming anyone.我可以肯定他是不会故意伤害他人的。The attempt is morally bound to fail.这一企图肯定会失败。Resources must be allocated in a morally responsible way.资源分配必须要对得起良心。His behavior cannot be morally justified.他的行为无法从道德上说明是正当的。The government is morally obliged to do all it can for the refugees.政府在道义上有义务为难民做力所能及的事情。I felt morally compelled to help.我从道义上觉得必须提供帮助。When, if ever, is it morally justifiable to allow a patient to die?.如果可能的话,允许病人放弃生命的行为什么时候在道德上可以被接受?I felt morally obliged to do the best I could for her.从道义上说,我觉得必须尽最大努力帮她。Is there a morally relevant difference between human life and animal life?人类和动物的生命有什么与道德相关的差异吗?She seems to think she's morally superior to the rest of us.她似乎认为她比我们这些人道德高尚。Such hypocrisy is morally indefensible.这样的虚伪在道德上是不可原谅的。She felt morally obligated to help.她感觉在道义上有义务帮忙。I know that he will behave morally and responsibly.我知道他将表现得规规矩矩并且有责任感。Slavery is morally indefensible.奴隶制在道义上站不住脚。We are morally opposed to capital punishment.我们在道义上反对死刑。Such power is politically dangerous and morally objectionable.这样的权力在政治上极其危险,在道义上也令人反感。It would be morally indefensible for her to desert her father now.她如果在这个时候遗弃自己的父亲,在道德上是不可原谅的。He thinks that European civilization is morally bankrupt.他认为欧洲文明已经在道德上破产。Slavery is not morally defensible.奴隶制在道义上是站不住脚的。She doesn't flirt with anyone, behaves modestly and morally.她不与任何人调情,举止端庄稳重。The Constitution is not morally neutral but is based on certain central values.宪法不是道德上的中立,而是以某些中心价值观为基础的。She thinks she's morally superior to the rest of us.她认为自己在道德上比我们其他人高尚。Her reasons for acting are morally defensible.她的举动从道义上来讲是合情合理的。Many people believe that killing animals for sport is morally wrong.许多人认为以捕杀动物为乐是不道德的。He is ill-equipped emotionally, morally, and intellectually for the task.他在情感上、道德上以及学识上都不能胜任这个任务。Poisoning the earth's atmosphere is ecologically and morally unjustifiable.污染地球的大气在生态上和道德上都是不能接受的。Is it morally acceptable to kill animals for food?把动物杀了吃在道德上是可以接受的吗?It sounds a morally dubious proposition.这听起来是一个道德上有问题的提议。Now we stand on the moral high ground. We can defend ethically and morally everything we stand for.目前我们在道义上占了优势。我们可以从伦理和道德的角度捍卫我们主张的一切。The law is morally indefensible and in need of reform.这项法令在道德上不可原谅,需要改进。You may not see the action as morally necessary or obligatory.你或许不会将该行为视为道德上必要或者义不容辞。Art is not there to improve you morally.艺术不是用来提升一个人的道德修养的。She behaved in a way that was morally wrong/right.她为人处世不符合/符合道德标准。I hold you morally responsible for her death.我认为你对她的死亡负有道德上的责任。Were they morally justified in lying to Mrs Keech?他们对基奇夫人撒谎合乎道德吗?He is portrayed as a dark and somewhat morally ambiguous character.他被描述成悲观、对道德是非观念有些模糊的人。Far from being an ignominy this was a courageous and morally correct deed.这非但不是卑劣行为,反而是勇敢的正义行动。Their failure to adequately inform participants of the risks was morally/ethically blameworthy.他们没有充分告知参与者这项活动的危险性,在道义上,他们应该受到谴责。




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