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词汇 mop
例句 It was so hot he had to keep stopping to mop his face.天气太热,他只得不断地停下来擦一擦脸。I used a mop to sop up the spilled water.我用拖把把泼出的水擦干。Fetch a cloth to mop up the spill.拿块抹布把溢出来的东西擦掉。Keep an old towel to mop up any mess.备一条旧毛巾,用来抹掉溅出的食物。Just let me mop up a few things and I'll be done.只要让我做好剩下的几件事,就完成了。When the washing machine spurts out water, at least we can mop it up.洗衣机喷水的时候,我们至少可以把水擦干。I must just mop up the last of the work.我必须这就完成收尾工作。She used the thick bread to mop up the last of her soup.她用厚面包吸干了剩下的汤汁。I was asked to mop the floor.我被分配去拖地板。The project is almost done. All that's left is the mop-up.这项工程快完成了,只剩下些扫尾工作。She used a rag to mop up the spill.她用抹布擦干溢出物。There is a mop inside of the toilet.厕所里有一柄拖把。There's milk on the floor over there - could you get a cloth and mop it up?那边地板上有牛奶——你能拿块布把它擦干净吗?When the washing machine spurts out water at least we can mop it up.洗衣机溅出水时,我们至少可以把它擦干。I need a cloth to mop this wine.我需要一块抹布来把这滴葡萄酒擦掉。Her face was framed by a mop of black curls.乱蓬蓬的黑色鬈发贴着她的脸蛋。Dan has to mop the floor of the café every night.丹每天晚上都要拖咖啡馆的地板。Armed with a bucket and a mop, I started washing the floor.提着桶和拖把,我开始拖地板。He ran a hand through his mop of fair hair.他用手拢了拢他那浓密的金发。The cleaner put down his mop and bucket and sat down.清洁工放下拖把和桶,坐了下来。The water was sopped up with a mop.水被拖把吸干了。We should be able to mop the rest of this up by the beginning of next week.我们应该能够在下周开始前完成这项工作的剩余部分。He had a mop of tight, dark curls.他有一头发卷紧实、蓬乱乌黑的卷发。Someone needs to take a mop to this floor. 得有人用拖把把地板擦一下。Two companies were left to mop up.留下两个连进行扫荡。The boy did not like to mop the floor, but he made the best of it.这男孩不喜欢拖地板,可他还是乖乖地拖了。The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition.通常的解决办法就是派步兵去肃清残余抵抗。It will only take a moment to mop up the spill.只要一小会儿就能擦掉溢出来的东西。The government had hoped to mop up rebel resistance.政府早就希望肃清叛军的抵抗。You have quite a mop of hair.你的头发蓬松凌乱。I must mop up the last of the work.我必须把最后这部分工作做完。He was long-limbed and dark-eyed, with a mop of tight, dark curls.他四肢修长、眼睛乌黑发亮,留着一头蓬乱浓密的黑色卷发。I'm almost done with the project. I just need a little more time to mop up.这项工程我快完成了,只是还需要一点时间扫尾。




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