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词汇 moon
例句 All the ships were turning in circles,leaving half-moon wakes behind them.所有的船都在绕圈行驶,船后留下了一道道半月形尾波。He had the distinction of being the first man to walk on the moon.他以在月球上第一个行走而闻名于世。They come to visit once in a blue moon.他们难得来作客。A brilliant moon was peeping above the hills.一轮明月在山顶露出头来。The moon is woven into the story as a symbol of death.月亮被揉进故事中,变成了死亡的象征。My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.我姐姐住在阿拉斯加,所以我很少见到她。The moon cast its soft glow on the earth below.月亮把柔和的光辉投向大地。We only go home to visit my folks once in a blue moon.我们难得回家去看我父母。I used to spend a lot of time in London, but now I only go there once in a blue moon.我以前经常到伦敦,但现在只是难得去一次了。The moon shines by reflected light.月亮靠反射光发光。If you want a Ph.D like that, you might as well cry for the moon.如果你这样就想拿博士学位,那简直是异想天开。The moon follows an elliptical path around the Earth.月球围绕地球沿椭圆形轨道运行。He arranged to launch his rocket just before the moon occulted the nebula.他把火箭发射安排在了月亮掩住星云之前。The moon was obscured behind a wall of cloud.月亮被厚厚的云层遮住了。The dog was baying at the moon.这条狗正对着月亮吠叫。Many ancient cultures worshipped the sun and moon.许多古代文明都敬奉太阳和月亮。Thick cloud cover hid the moon.厚厚的云层遮住了月亮。They plan to send a spacecraft to the moon.他们计划向月球发送一个航天器。There are these dark streaks on the surface of the moon.月球表面有这样一些黑色的条痕。He has a dippy notion that the moon is inhabited.他有个古怪想法,认为月亮上有人居住。Keith was over the moon about becoming a father.基思因为当上父亲而感到非常高兴。The moon/stars shined brightly.月亮/星星发出明亮的光。The moon was a silvery orb.月亮是一个银色的球体。Lying in bed we often see dark shapes of herons silhouetted against the moon.躺在床上,我们常看到月光映衬下鹭的黑色身影。The surface of the moon is pitted with craters.月球表面因有环形山而变得坑坑洼洼。The pharaoh is Osiris, the moon bull incarnate.这位法老就是俄西里斯,丰产神的化身。The space race reached its culmination in the first moon walk.太空竞争以人类实现第一次在月球上行走而达到顶峰。The newspapers headlined the story of the astronauts' trip to the moon.报纸大力报导太空人的月球之行。The moon was careering the clouds.月亮在云中飞快穿行。The moon rose slowly above the horizon.月亮慢慢地从地平线升起。The moon was rising in the inky sky.月亮升起在墨似的夜空中。The pull of the moon affects the tides on earth.月亮的引力影响地球上的潮汐。In a solar eclipse, the moon passes between the sun and the Earth.日食发生时,月亮处于太阳和地球之间。A low-power telescope is enough if you only want to look at the moon.只观看月相用低倍望远镜就足够了。The moon landing is a landmark in space exploration.登月是太空探索史上的里程碑。As a planet, the moon has a higher luminosity than most other planets.作为一个星球,月亮的光度非常高。We walked along under that silver of moon.我们在那一片银色的月光下徜徉。The moon was hidden behind a thick cloud cover. 月亮隐没在厚厚的云层后面。Where have you been?I haven't seen you in a blue moon.你一直在哪儿? 我很久没有看见你了。The moon shone, shedding a ghostly light on the fields.月亮闪耀,田野上洒下幽幽的亮光。




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