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词汇 monkey
例句 The City midfielder appeared to be the target of monkey chanting from a section of the home crowd.城队中场队员看来成了某些主场观众用模仿猴子呼喊来进侮辱的对象。There is too much monkey business going on in the governor's office.州长办公室搞鬼搞得太厉害了。We don't monkey around when it comes to talent.涉及展示才华的问题,我们不会乱来的。The monkey was hanging by its tail from the beams overhead.猴子尾巴卷着上方的横梁倒挂着。The children visited the monkey house at the zoo.孩子们参观了动物园的猴舍。I remember an old man playing a barrel organ in the street with a perky monkey sitting on his shoulders.我记得有个老头在街头演奏手摇风琴,肩上坐着一只调皮的猴子。I'm not going to let that salesman make a monkey out of me!我不会让那个推销员把我当猴耍的!The monkey was hanging upside down from a tree.那只猴子倒挂在树上。He likes to monkey with old clocks and engines.他喜欢摆弄旧钟和引擎。The funding for the project was withdrawn so that really threw a monkey wrench in the works.项目的资金被撤回,这真的打乱了计划。I don't give a monkey's about their problems!他们的问题我才不在乎呢!I couldn't give a monkey's, matey.我不会在意的,朋友。They caught the monkey, but it was so savage that no one could get near enough to feed it.他们抓住了猴子,但它非常凶猛,没人能走近喂它吃的。This unexpected development threw a monkey wrench into our plans.这一始料不及的事态发展打乱了我们的计划。We are helping him to get the monkey off.我们正帮助他戒掉毒瘾。I have a pet monkey which attempts to mock all my actions.我养了一只猴子当宠物,牠试图模仿我所有的动作。The monkey's eyes are large in relation to its head.参照头的大小,这只猴子的眼睛还是很大的。The monkey was now chattering with rage.猴子气得吱吱直叫。After the teacher left, there was a lot of monkey business in the class.在老师离开后,班上恶作剧连连。What it was, whether bear or man or monkey, I could in no wise tell.究竟那东西是熊是人抑或是猴,我全然无法分辨。Who gives a monkey's where she's gone?谁在乎她去哪里了呢?Stop it, you little monkey!别闹了,你这小淘气鬼! Don't monkey with my gun.别鼓捣我的枪。She's such a little monkey.她是个小捣蛋鬼。Bored out of its mind, the monkey stares out of the cage with unseeing eyes.那些百无聊赖的猴子从笼子里向外心不在焉地看着。I didn't give a monkey's about going to university.我对上大学完全无所谓。They warned us not to monkey with the machine.他们警告我们不要乱动机器。The teacher suspected that there had been some monkey business going on while she was out of the room.老师怀疑她不在教室里的时候有人搞恶作剧。Their delegation threw a giant monkey wrench into the process this week by raising all sorts of petty objections.他们的代表团本周提出了各种细枝末节的反对意见,极在地阻挠了进程。The baby monkey clings to its mother's back until it can climb by itself.小猴子紧紧抓在母亲的背上,直到自己能够独立攀爬。His drug addiction has been a monkey on his back for years.他的毒瘾多年来一直困扰着他。The storm threw a monkey wrench into their plans for a picnic. 这场暴风雨让他们的野餐计划泡汤了。Someone pass me the monkey wrench.谁把活动扳头递我一下。After many years of disappointment, she finally got the monkey off her back by winning the championship.多年的失望过后,她终于靠赢得冠军摆脱了困境。To be honest I don't give a monkey's what they do.说实话,我一点都不在乎他们做什么。The poison produced by the frog's skin is so lethal that it can paralyze a bird or a monkey immediately.青蛙皮肤上产生的毒素非常致命,能立即使一只鸟或猴子瘫痪。The monkey took up perching on my nut.那猴子爬到我头上蹲着。One monkey communicated the disease to the others.一只猴子把疾病传染给了其他猴子。Chicago's a great place to monkey around in.芝加哥是个闲逛的好地方。Hey, put that down, you little monkey!嘿,放下它,你这个小淘气!




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