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词汇 modified
例句 To what extent will the budget have to be modified?预算必须做多大程度的修改?These ideas are still used today, though in a slightly modified form.这些构想如今仍在采用,只是形式稍有些变化。The biotech corporations argue that genetically modified crops will put an end to food shortages in the developing world.生物工程公司辩称,转基因作物将会结束发展中国家粮食短缺的状况。We played a modified version of our favorite game.我们最喜欢那个游戏,玩的是它的改良版。There will be a delay before the modified machines are operable.改良后的机器得过一段时间之后才能正常运转。Campaigners have challenged the safety of genetically-modified foods.活动参加者对转基因食品的安全性提出了质疑。The design was modified to add another window.那个设计稍做了改动,增加了一扇窗户。The original text has been modified so radically that it is barely recognizable.原文改动得如此彻底,几乎面目全非。The machine has been extensively modified.这机器已被大规模地改造过。Environmental groups launched a campaign against the widespread production of genetically modified crops.环境保护组织发起了一场反对大规模生产基因改良作物的运动。He has modified his demands.他已降低了他的要求。The software can be modified to suit the particular needs of the end user.该软件可加以修改以满足终端用户的特殊需要。Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.大品牌超市即将下架许多转基因食品。The corn contains genetically modified material.这种玉米含有转基因物质。As yet there is no proof that genetically modified foods are harmful to humans.到目前为止还没有证据表明转基因食物对人类有害。She has modified her views on the matter.她改变了对那件事的看法。Enclosed is our revised quotation, with the modified part underlined for your ready attention.随函附上更正的报价单,有关更改部分下已划线,请予注意。No one knows yet what effects genetically modified foods will have on the environment.现在还没人知道转基因食品会对环境产生什么影响。These features can be modified with the greatest of ease. 这些配置改动起来非常容易。The machine needs to be modified before it can take the new cartridges.机器需要先改造才能装配这些新墨盒。The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the desert.车辆已改装过以适应沙漠的环境。There's been a shift in government thinking on genetically modified food.政府对转基因食品的看法有了转变。Campaigners are challenging the safety of genetically modified foods.运动发起人对转基因食品的安全性提出了质疑。There are conflicting opinions regarding genetically modified food.对转基因食品存在相互对立的看法。Consumers show a general dislike for genetically modified food products.顾客普遍表示不喜欢转基因食品。The regulations ban the use of genetically modified organisms.规章禁止使用转基因生物。A highly modified version of the program is being used.正在使用的是该程序经过大幅修改的版本。The document can be modified at will.这份文件可以任意修改。Is this not a possible outcome of the development of genetically modified food?这难道不是转基因食品开发可能会导致的一种结果吗?Subjects in the study were asked to follow a modified diet.要求研究对象按改进的食谱进食。The seats can be modified to fit other types of vehicle.这些坐椅可以略作改动,用在其他类型的车上。He modified the recipe by using oil instead of butter.他改变了烹饪方法,用食用油代替了黄油。Details of the modified American plan will vary based on the hotel or resort you choose.根据你选择的旅馆和度假村,有关修正式美式计价的细节将会有所不同。The regulations can only be modified by a special committee.这些法规只能由特别委员会来修改。The proposals were unpopular and were only accepted in a modified form.这些建议不受欢迎,修改之后才得以接受。His smile soon modified to a wince.他的微笑很快就成了脸部肌肉的抽搐。In some schools, Christmas carols are being modified to exclude any reference to Christ.某些学校正在对圣诞颂歌进行修改,删除提及耶稣的内容。Those aircraft were extensively modified and improved.那些飞机经多方面改造和改进。




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