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The house has been restored to include all mod cons.房子经过了整修,现代化设备一应俱全。The house is spacious with all mod cons, handy for the station and has a garden.这座房子十分宽敞,现代化生活设施一应俱全,距离车站很近,而且还有一个花园。Well, I see your new house has got all the mod cons you'd expect: a washing machine, a dishwasher, central heating…哇,我看到你的新家里你想要的现代化生活设备一应俱全:洗衣机、洗碗机、中央暖气…The kitchen is fully equipped with all mod cons including a dishwasher.这间厨房配备了齐全的现代化生活设施,包括一台洗碗机。 |