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词汇 mixing
例句 When the mixing process is complete, the mixture is ready to be heated.搅拌完了之后,混合物就可以加热了。Combine the remaining ingredients, mixing well.把余下的材料混在一起拌匀。After sifting the flour into a mixing bowl, cut the lard in.把面粉筛入搅拌碗中后,把猪油剁进去。After sifting the flour into a mixing bowl, use two knives to cut in the butter.把面粉筛进搅拌碗后,再用两把刀把黄油切拌进来。She's used to mixing in an altogether different sphere.她习惯于在一个完全不同的社会阶层里交往。It was hard work mixing up four tonnes of cement.搅拌四吨水泥是很辛苦的。I think you might be mixing up Wetherall and Newton.我想你可能是把韦瑟罗尔和牛顿弄混了。Put it into a large mixing bowl and add, in this order, the milk, the honey, the melted butter, and the salt.把它放进一个大的搅拌碗里,然后依次加入牛奶、蜂蜜、融化了的黄油,还有盐。She sieved the flour into a mixing bowl.她把面粉筛进一个搅拌碗中。Phil was mixing a cocktail.菲尔正在调制鸡尾酒。This final part of the mixing is done slowly and delicately.调和的最后一步要缓慢而精心。Grate the cheese into a mixing bowl.将干酪磨碎放进搅拌碗中。The former model is now mixing with movie people in Hollywood.这位前模特现在与好莱坞电影人有来往。Dealers are mixing the drug with heroin and cocaine to eke out their supplies.毒贩在这种毒品中掺入海洛因和可卡因,这使他们的毒品供应可以持久。They enjoy the pleasure of mixing with society notorieties.他们乐于与社会名流交往。They've been mixing tracks for a new album.他们一直在为新专辑混录歌曲。Pour the melted butter into a large mixing bowl.把熔化的黄油倒在一个搅拌用的大碗里。Beat the butter in a mixing bowl until creamy and soft.将黄油放在搅拌碗中搅打成柔滑的糊状。The two boxers started mixing it up.两名拳击手开始激战。Is Stan the guy you work with or am I mixing him up with somebody else?斯坦就是跟你共事的家伙吗?还是我把他同别人搞混了?Final mixing should be completed by the end of this week.最后的录制工作应该于本周末完成。Many motor accidents are the result of unthinkingly mixing speed and alcohol.许多机动车事故都是不计后果地酒后开快车造成的。Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl.将面粉和发酵粉筛入中等大小的搅拌碗中。You can make green by mixing blue and yellow paint.把蓝色和黄色油漆混合,就配成了绿色油漆。She is extremely possessive about her university friends, and doesn't like them mixing independently with her workmates.她对自己大学时代的朋友占有欲非常强,不喜欢他们独自与她的同事交往。Concrete is made by mixing gravel with sand, cement, and water.混凝土是通过把碎石、沙子、水泥和水搅拌在一起制成的。By mixing metals it is possible to make alloys which are tougher and have a lower melting point than the individual metals.把各种金属熔合在一起,可以制成较坚固和熔点低于单一金属的合金。Why is he mixing with socially undesirable types?他为什么与一些不三不四的人混在一起?He started mixing with drug dealers, pimps, and other lowlife.他开始与毒贩、皮条客等不法之徒混在一起。Weigh all the ingredients carefully before mixing them together.所有成分在搅和之前都要仔细称一下。He had spent several hours mixing cement.他花了几个小时搅拌水泥。It's pretty tough mixing it with the world's best players.要和世界顶尖运动员较量难度很大。The military has accused the clergy of mixing religion and politics.军方指控神职人员将宗教和政治混淆起来。Place all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, and gradually add water.把所有成分放在一个用于搅拌的碗里,然后慢慢加水。I started mixing the batter for the pancakes.我开始和摊煎饼的面糊。They've been mixing tracks for a new album due out later this year.他们一直在为定于今年稍后推出的新专辑录制歌曲。He's an expert at mixing cocktails.他擅长调鸡尾酒。You can make purple by mixing the colors red and blue.将红色与蓝色混合就可以调出紫色。




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