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词汇 mistake
例句 Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride.娜奥米在失误面前的处乱不惊给贝丝留下了深刻印象。You can't mistake their house - it has a bright yellow front door.你不会认错他们的房子——正门是鲜黄色的。The teacher kindly pointed out the mistake.老师善意地指出了错误。He sheepishly admitted his mistake.他不好意思地承认了自己的错误。We've made this mistake trillions of times before.这个错误我们以前犯过无数次了。He had made the pardonable mistake of trusting the wrong person.他信任了不该信任的人,这样的错误可以原谅。It would be a mistake to regard the incident as unimportant.认为这一事件无关紧要是错误的。Her mother sighed and rubbed out another mistake in the crossword puzzle.她母亲叹了口气,擦掉了纵横字谜中另一处填错的地方。He could not account for his foolish mistake.他无法解释他所犯的荒谬的错误。Don't let one mistake spoil your day.别让一个错误破坏了你一天的心情。Don't torture yourself over the mistake.别为这个错误折磨自己。It is a mistake to attach too much significance to these fluctuations.过分重视这些涨落变动是错误的。It wasn't the kind of thing she'd make a mistake about.那种事她是不会搞错的。His mistake didn't change my overall impression of him.他的失误并没有改变我对他的总体印象。She's the one I saw, and no mistake. 她就是我所见到的那个人,没错。He's the one I saw and no mistake.他就是我所见到的那个人,没错。Gary wandered into the wrong hotel room by mistake.加里走错了酒店房间。It was his mistake but he tried to pass the buck to another manager.他自己犯了错误,却试图把责任推到另一个经理身上。Someone must have sold it to her by mistake.有人肯定把它错卖给了她。She very publicly acknowledged/admitted her mistake.她当众承认了自己的错误。Don't be so rough on them for making a mistake.不要因为他们犯个错误就对他们如此严厉。Sooner or later she'll realize she made a mistake.迟早她会认识到自己犯了一个错误。They were apologetic about the mistake.他们对出错感到很抱歉。It is a great mistake to assume that your children will agree with you.想当然地认为孩子们会和你意见一致是大错特错了。I put my socks on inside out by mistake.我误把袜子穿反了。Everyone thought it was an innocent mistake, but I knew better.人人都以为那是个无意犯的错误,但我知道不是那么一回事。The mistake grew out of his carelessness.这错误是由于他的粗心造成的。A salesman came around this morning and I made the mistake of inviting him in.今天上午来了一个推销员,我犯了个错误,把他请了进来。The thought of someone suffering through a mistake of mine makes me shiver.想到有人因为我犯的错误而吃苦头,我就不寒而栗。You're making a ghastly mistake.你在犯一个极其严重的错误。He made a mistake but I don't hold it against him - we all make mistakes.他犯了个错误,但我并不因此而怨恨他——我们大家都会犯错误的。He was reasoning with the child on his mistake.他在劝导那个孩子认识错误。Tom tried to repair his mistake.汤姆努力纠正自己的错误。Mr Morris said the victims had suffered from a very grievous mistake.莫里斯先生说遇难者因为一个极其严重的失误而遭遇不幸。He is ever making the same mistake.他老是犯同样的错误。I'm tired of getting dumped on every time I make a little mistake.每次犯点小错就被斥责,我受够了。Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?.为什么我要代人受过?He made that mistake unconsciously.他无意中犯了那个错误。The mistake started this nation on its present precarious predicament.这一错误使该国开始陷入了当前的危难局面。He's bound to notice your mistake.他必定会觉察到你的错误。




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