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词汇 missing
例句 Police scoured the countryside in search of the missing man.警方在乡村四处搜索寻找那个失踪的人。After the disaster, the police had a flood of enquiries about missing relatives.灾难发生后,警方接到大量对失踪亲属的查询。The bullet grazed the corner of the building, just missing my arm.子弹从建筑物的一角擦过,差一点打中我的胳膊。A lot of soldiers were missing from the Victory parade.许多士兵没有去参加胜利巡游。She travelled the length and breadth of Ireland looking for her missing brother.她走遍爱尔兰四处寻找失踪的弟弟。The missing indefinite article has been replaced before the noun.名词前漏落的不定冠词已经补上。Write in the letter that is missing from each word.填写出每个单词中空缺的字母。One piece of the jigsaw is still missing.拼图还少一片。The missing book turned up three weeks later.那本丢失的书三周后被偶然找到了。We searched all morning for the missing papers and finally discovered them in a drawer.我们一上午都在找那些失踪的文件,最后终于在一个抽屉里找到了。We received official notification that Harry was missing.我们收到了哈里失踪的正式通知。Is the exact value of the missing jewels ascertainable?那些不知去向之珠宝的确切价值弄得清楚吗? Why are there 1 million people missing from the electoral register?为什么选民名册上少了一百万人?He seemed to know intuitively that I must be missing my mother.他似乎凭直觉知道我一定在想念我的母亲。We searched in vain for the missing earring. 我们寻找丢失的耳环,不过是白费力气。Things came to a head when money was found to be missing from the account.当发现账户上的钱不见了时,事态变得严重起来。I don't think there's any need to bring the police in until we're sure the money is missing.我认为在未确定不见了钱之前,没有必要把警察找来。There was a serving spoon missing when Nina put the silverware back in its box.尼娜将银餐具收拾到盒子里去的时候发现少了一把调羹。The study of housework as work is a topic entirely missing from sociology.把家务劳动作为工作来研究是社会学中完全未触及过的一个课题。Oh no! The last page is missing from the book!啊呀,书的最后一页不见了!The Turkish security forces have started searching for the missing men.土耳其安全部队已经开始搜寻失踪人员。She made up stories to explain away the missing money.她编了几个故事来将钱不见了的事搪塞过去。I've been trolling all over my house, but the missing smartphone was nowhere to be found.我在家里翻箱倒柜地找,但是遗失的手机还是找不到。Things go missing all the time round here.这里总丢东西。I really blotted my copybook by missing the meeting.我没去开会的确使自己的名声受损了。We scoured the woods for the missing child.我们在树林里四处搜寻走失的孩子。If you've never been to Venice, you don't know what you're missing. 如果你从未去过威尼斯,你都不知道你错过了什么。I received a rap on the knuckles for missing the meeting.我因为没去开会受到了轻微的批评。He answered their questions without missing a beat. 他毫不犹疑地回答了他们的所有问题。Police have spent hours searching in vain for the missing teenager.警方花了几个小时寻找这个失踪少年却毫无结果。He went missing while on home leave from prison.他离开监狱探亲时失踪了。I discovered to my horror that my passport was missing.我惊恐地发现我的护照不见了。A blanket had gone missing.一条毯子不见了。The police searched far and wide for the missing boy.警察到处寻找失踪的男孩。The boys' books were missing.这些男孩的书不见了。She stuck to her story about the money already being missing when she got there.她坚持说她到那儿时钱就已经不见了。It came to my attention that several items were missing from my office.我发现我的办公室里有几件东西不见了。Rescuers combed the hillsides but found no trace of the missing climbers.救援人员彻底搜查了山腰,但是找不到失踪登山者的任何踪迹。Harrison replied without missing a beat.哈里森毫不迟疑地回答。The figures of the missing will be published tomorrow.失踪人数明天公布。




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