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词汇 mischief
例句 The President described the conference as a platform to cause political mischief.总统称这次大会是制造政治危害的平台。Try to stay out of mischief, will you?尽量别捣蛋,好吗?Don't get up to any mischief while we're out.不要趁我们外出时胡闹。Those two can brew up a batch of mischief very quickly.那两个人很快就能搞出一堆恶作剧来。The mischief is more deep-seated than the external injuries to the body showed.病情比身体外伤所显示的要深。He was always up to mischief.他过去老是调皮捣蛋。His serious nature was lightened by a streak of mischief.他严肃的个性中带着一丝顽皮。He's full of mischief and humour.他脑子里全是使坏和搞笑的念头。The wind has played the mischief with my papers.风把我的文件吹得乱七八糟。There was about him an air of mischief.他的神情有点调皮。The frost did much mischief to the vegetables.霜冻使蔬菜受到了严重的损害。He could see mischief in her eyes.他能在她的眼中看到淘气的神情。My little sister's always up to mischief.我的小妹妹总是在捣蛋。The storm did much mischief to the crops.暴风雨严重地损害了庄稼。There was a glint of mischief in her eyes.她的眼里闪过一丝调皮的神情。Such people will do anything they can to make mischief.这种人会不遗余力地搞破坏。It's hard to keep him out of mischief.很难让他不捣乱。She peeped into the bedroom to see what mischief her grandson was getting up to.她往卧室里窥视,看看孙子在搞什么鬼。You'll do yourself a mischief if you throw yourself around like that.你这样横冲直撞会伤到自己的。A little neglect may cause great mischief.稍有疏忽可能导致极大的祸害。The letter had come from an unknown mischief-maker.这封信来自一个匿名的离间者。If you try to get over the wall, you'll do yourself a mischief.如果你企图越墙的话,你会受伤的。No mischief is found in your body.在你身上没有发现任何疾病。What mischief is he up to?他在搞什么恶作剧? His eyes were full of mischief.他的眼中满是狡黠。An accident played the mischief with his plans.一桩意外事故打乱了他的计划。You'll do yourself a mischief if you're not careful with that knife.如果你用那把刀不小心,会伤了自己。She often made mischief between them.她经常在他们之间挑拨离间。Where have you hidden my glasses, you little mischief?你这个小淘气把我的眼镜藏哪儿去了?They withdrew their support after the President described the conference as a platform to cause political mischief.在总统称这次大会是在制造政治事端之后,他们便撤回了对这次会议的支持。The more sinister explanation is that he is about to make mischief in the Middle East again.更为险恶的解释是,他准备再次在中东地区制造事端。The jury cleared him of the charge of criminal mischief.陪审团洗清了他恶意损坏的罪名。Those children are always up to some mischief. = Those children are always getting into mischief.那些孩子总爱捣乱。Kiki's eyes were bright with mischief.基基眼里闪着淘气的神情。Her eyes contained a strong suggestion of mischief.她的眼睛里流露出明显的恶作剧的神情。It was these students who were doing all the mischief.正是这些学生在干这些坏事。Those imps are brewing mischief.那些小淘气们正在打坏主意。There was a devilish look of mischief in her eyes.她眼中闪现出一丝顽皮使坏的目光。Boys at that age should be able to explore and get into mischief.那个年龄的男孩子应该可以出去闯闯、去调皮捣蛋。If you try to lift that box, you'll do yourself a mischief.你要是想搬那个箱子,会伤着自己的。




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