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例句 After a few minutes of polite conversation, he took his leave.寒暄了一会儿,他就告辞了。She stared at the page for several minutes, trying to understand.她盯着这一页看了几分钟,想弄个明白。He demolished my argument in minutes.他几分钟内就把我的论点给驳倒了。The substitution was made just minutes before the end of the game.比赛结束前几分钟才换了人。It took her a few minutes to clear the dishes off the dinner table.她几分钟就把餐具从饭桌上收拾走了。The place where we live now is very convenient for the school - it's only a couple of minutes on foot.我们现在住的地方离学校很近—一只要走几分钟就能到达。He was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes.他连几分钟都坐不住。The minutes towards departure ticked by.出发时间一分一分地接近了。Candidates should be at their desks 5 minutes before the start of the examination.考生应在开考前五分钟就座。She'll be here in a few minutes.她过几分钟就来。My watch is two minutes slow.我的表慢两分钟。There are two minutes left in the third quarter.离第三节比赛结束还有两分钟。The exhibition was held only a few minutes from their tiny cottage.展会的举办地距离他们的小屋只有几分钟的路程。In minutes, you'll have a beautiful finished colour print from this little camera.几分钟后,你将从这架小小的照相机得到一张冲印好的精美彩色照片。If you don't mind waiting a few minutes, we can check our records for you.如果你愿意等几分钟的话,我们可以为你查一下记录。It's a beautiful cottage not more than five minutes from the nearest beach.那是一座漂亮的小房子,离最近的海滩至多五分钟的路程。Only a few minutes after the programme, the switchboard was jammed with complaints.该节目播出仅仅几分钟,总机就因接到很多投诉电话而瘫痪。Such is the power of suggestion that within two minutes the patient is asleep.催眠暗示的力量很大,病人不到两分钟便入睡了。She'll be away from her desk for just a few minutes. = She'll just be away from her desk for a few minutes.她只是要离开办公桌一小会。She's just stepped out for a few minutes.她刚出去一会儿。If they tell you to arrive at such and such a time, just get there a couple of minutes early.如果他们告诉你要在某个时间到,就早到几分钟。You go on and I'll follow in a few minutes.你先走一步,我过几分钟就跟上来。Turn the steaks over and continue broiling for 4 to 5 more minutes.将牛排翻转,再烤四五分钟。There are just two minutes to go of this game, and the crowd is in an absolute frenzy.这场比赛只剩下两分钟,观众已经近乎疯狂。Within just a few minutes the jury of ranchers returned a verdict of not guilty.短短几分钟后,由大牧场主组成的陪审团作出了无罪的判决。He seems quite incapable of concentrating for a few minutes on end.他似乎完全做不到连续几分钟时间集中注意力。He caught the train with a few minutes to spare.他赶上火车时距开车时间只剩几分钟了。He panned over the crowd for a few minutes before swivelling back to the right.他从头到尾移动拍摄了那群人好几分钟,才转回右侧。The train arrived at four minutes past eight.火车于八点零四分到达。Juanito scored for the Spaniards with only two minutes left, but the Romanians held on.华尼托在仅剩两分钟时为西班牙队进了一球,但罗马尼亚队将优势保持到了终场。I'm nearly ready - just give me a couple of minutes.我快准备好了——再给我两三分钟就可以。I caught the plane with only two minutes to spare.我赶上飞机时距离起飞只剩两分钟了。Germany scored twice in the last ten minutes to clinch the championship.德国队在最后十分钟内两次进球,终于夺得冠军。He hadn't been dead five minutes before those vultures from the media were after his widow.他死了还没五分钟,那些媒体的人就趁火打劫,缠着他的遗孀不放。She had barely slept 10 minutes before she was woken up again.她刚睡了十分钟就又被弄醒了。I was a few minutes early for my appointment.我约会早到了几分钟。He had finished, but he remained at the microphone for a few minutes, gazing at the audience.他讲完了,但是在麦克风旁边待了几分钟,看着观众。The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting.秘书读了上次会议的记录。My house is just a few minutes from here.我家离这里只有几分钟的路程。He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes.他几分钟就画了一幅那位煤矿工人的素描。




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