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词汇 attendant
例句 One of the difficulties attendant on shift work is lack of sleep.轮班工作制带来的困难之一是睡眠不足。Sarah took the glass proffered by the attendant.萨拉接过服务员端来的玻璃杯。Behaviour problems, with all the attendant learning difficulties, cannot be resolved in the ordinary classroom.行为问题,以及所有随之产生的学习障碍,是无法在普通课堂上得到解决的。The flight attendant asked everyone to belt himself in.班机乘务员要求大家扣好安全带。The exceptionally rude attendant at the gift shop stifled a chuckle when I asked her which selection was the cheapest.当我问哪类商品最便宜的时候,那个十分无礼的礼品店服务员偷偷笑了一下。Mr Branson's victory, and all the attendant publicity, were well deserved.布兰森先生的胜利,以及随之而来的关注度,都是理所应当的。He tried to catch the attendant's eye but the man was already turning away.他试图引起服务员的注意,但那人已经转过身去了。He assaulted a female flight attendant who refused to serve him more drinks.他殴打了一名拒绝为他供应更多饮料的女乘务员。He pushed the call button for the flight attendant.他按了呼叫器呼叫航班服务员。The flight attendant told the passengers to fasten their lap belts.飞机乘务员要乘客们系好安全带。Please present your boarding pass to the flight attendant.请向乘务员出示你的登机牌。The chance to travel around the world attracted me to a career as a flight attendant.有机会周游世界使我选择成为一名空乘人员。Drugs are one of the issues attendant on running a school.毒品是办学中出现的问题之一。Hatred is often an attendant of jealousy.憎恨往往与嫉妒相伴而生。The attendant tore off the parking ticket and handed it back.管理员撕下一张违章停车罚款单交回。Tony Williams was working as a car-park attendant in Los Angeles.托尼·威廉斯在洛杉矶的一个停车场当服务生。The town is trying to deal with the population boom and the attendant increase in traffic.小镇正努力解决人口激增和随之而来的交通拥挤问题。She let the parking attendant park her car.她让停车场服务人员为她泊车。The flight attendant asked to see my boarding pass.飞机乘务员要看我的登机牌。He told the gas station attendant to fill it/her up. 他让加油站的工作人员把油箱加满。Don't unbuckle your seat belt until the flight attendant says it is safe to move around the cabin.乘务员告知可以在机舱内活动时,再解开安全带。Standards of hygiene have fallen, with all the attendant risks of disease.因为疾病的所有附带风险,卫生水平降低了。On the plane, the flight attendant brings you a towelette after your meal.在飞机上,你用餐完毕乘务员会给你一张湿餐巾纸。A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets.一名空乘人员站在登机口检查机票。The flight attendant welcomed us aboard.乘务员迎候我们登机。In a fateful coincidence, the flight attendant just happens to have been the best friend of Jake's dead former girlfriend.那位空中乘务员碰巧是杰克已故前女友最好的朋友,这是个命中注定的巧合。Stopping his work for a second, the garage attendant leered at the girls in the car.加油站的服务员暂停了手中的工作,色迷迷地望着汽车里的女孩们。He'd made himself conspicuous. He'd hung about in the museum in a way that the attendant couldn't help noticing.他使自己成了焦点。他在博物馆里游荡的样子没法让服务员不注意他。




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