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词汇 Minor
例句 Minor details are circumstantial compared with the main fact.细节与主要事实相比处于次要地位。Minor tasks should be delegated to your assistant.次要的工作应交给你的助手去做。Minor illnesses such as colds are usually best left to get better by themselves.像感冒这种小病一般最好让它自己好起来。Minor irregularities in the components might lead to machine failure.零部件略有不规则便可能会导致机器故障。Minor offences were sometimes used as a pretext for an arrest.犯轻罪有时被用作逮捕人的借口。Minor stomach disorders are common when travelling abroad.在国外旅行时,轻微的胃部不适是常有的事。Minor criminal convictions will not debar applicants.申请人不会因为其轻微刑事犯罪记录而被取消申请资格。Minor skirmishes broke out all along the border.整条边境上都爆发了小冲突。The rich provinces of Asia Minor were plundered by the invaders.小亚细亚的富饶地区遭到侵略者的劫掠。Minor bruises can be treated at home.轻微的挫伤可以在家进行处理。He was called Smith Minor to distinguish him from the other Smiths.人们称他小史密斯,以便与其他叫史密斯的人相区别。Minor skin imperfections can usually be disguised with a spot of make-up.微小的皮肤瑕疵通常可以用化妆品来掩盖。Minor slips are of no consequence.小的差错无伤大雅。Minor cuts and grazes can usually be left uncovered to heal by themselves.轻微的划伤和擦伤通常不用包扎就可以自愈。




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