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词汇 milling
例句 There's a huge crowd of people milling around in front of the theater.一大群人在剧院门前转来转去。They moved purposefully through the milling crowd.他们故意从来来往往的人群中穿过。People were milling around in the corridor, waiting for the show to start.人们绕着走廊兜圈子,等表演开场。People were just milling around while they waited.人们等候时就在周边溜达。The main concourse is packed with milling crowds.主厅挤满了四处涌动的人潮。Crowds of students were milling around in the street.一群群的学生在街上转来转去。The crowd was milling outside the exit.人群在出口外转悠。The crowds were still milling back and forth in the warm night.在这暖和的夜晚,人群仍在来回转悠。Put the rice in steep for some time before milling.碾磨之前先将大米浸泡一些时间。In the square, people were milling around in the sunshine.在广场上,人们在阳光下徜徉。Quite a few people were milling about, but nothing was happening.有不少人在附近转来转去,可是什么事情也没有发生。Hundreds of students were milling aimlessly around.几百名学生在漫无目的地转来转去。There were a lot of people milling around the entrance.有很多人在入口处转悠。We pushed our way through the milling crowds of guests.我们从涌动的宾客人群中挤了出来。When we arrived at the station, thousands of people were milling around.我们到达车站时,已有数千人涌进车站。




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