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词汇 attacker
例句 She scared off her attacker by screaming.她大声叫喊,把袭击她的人吓跑了。Eventually, her attacker was caught and put in prison.最终袭击她的人被捕入狱。She struggled with her attacker.她与袭击她的人进行了搏斗。The victim was able to identify his attacker by name. 受害者能说出攻击者的名字。Rhonda came to the defense of her brother by swinging a chain at his attacker.朗达为保护她弟弟,向攻击者挥舞链条。The victim's family are demanding the death sentence for his attacker.受害者的家人要求判决袭击他的人死刑。His attacker pulled him down.袭击他的人把他拉倒在地。She was the only witness to identify Peters as the attacker.她是指认彼得斯为攻击者的唯一证人。The attacker was scared away when the woman started to scream.当这妇人开始尖叫时袭击者被吓跑了。The class teaches you how to incapacitate an attacker.这门课程教你如何制服攻击者。She was asked to pick her attacker out of a lineup.她被叫去从队列中辨认袭击她的人。He couldn't name his attacker.他说不出攻击自己的人的名字。It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker.真想不到托比竟会是袭击我的人。The attacker struck as she was walking near a housing estate at Monacurra.她行走到莫纳卡拉的一个居民区附近时遭人攻击。The victim later claimed that her attacker forced her to have sexual intercourse with him.受害者后来称凶犯强迫她和他发生性关系。He turned the tables on his attacker and pinned him to the ground.他扭转了局面,将袭击者按倒在地。She managed to pull free of her attacker.她设法从袭击者手下挣脱了。The attacker then tried to throttle her with wire.袭击者又试图用绳子勒死她。She broke free from her attacker.她挣脱了袭击她的人。He matches the description of the attacker.他与人们对袭击者的描述相符。Josie managed to escape from her attacker and call the police.乔茜设法摆脱袭击者并报了警。She struggled free and kneed her attacker in the groin.她挣脱开来,并用膝盖撞击那个袭击者的阴部。The victim picked out her attacker in an identity parade.受害人从指认队列中认出了袭击她的人。She fought off her attacker by kicking him in the balls.她踢那个袭击她的人的裆部,把他打跑。She reached up and tried to gouge her attacker's eyes.她伸出手,想把攻击者的眼睛抠出来。She used her handbag to beat the attacker off.她用手提包将袭击者打跑。The attacker kicked him in the stomach.袭击者踢他的肚子。The attacker knocked on their door and made a lunge for Wendy when she answered.歹徒敲了他们的门,温迪一开门便向她扑去。The attacker fled empty-handed.凶犯空手而逃。The girl sat down with a police artist to compile a Photofit of her attacker.这个女孩和警方画像专家坐在一起来拼绘袭击者的画像。I'm not condoning his behaviour, but I can understand why he wanted revenge on his daughter's attacker.我并不是原谅他这种行为,但是我能理解他为什么要对袭击他女儿的人进行报复。His attacker kneed him in the stomach.攻击者用膝盖顶他的腹部。She seized her attacker by the throat.她揪住了袭击者的喉部。The attacker may have been waiting around for an opportunity to strike.袭击者也许一直都在等待着动手的机会。He easily managed to disarm his attacker.他轻松地解除了攻击者的武器。She managed to beat off her attacker.她成功地击退了袭击者。She identified him as her attacker.她认出他就是袭击她的人。The attacker was described as white, with short hair.据描述,袭击者是一名留短发的白人。She was able to overpower her attacker.她能够制伏攻击她的人。Tabitha threw up an arm to fend her attacker off.塔比莎挥臂挡开行凶者。




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