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词汇 mighty
例句 That was a mighty tasty dinner.那是一顿非常可口的晚餐。You look mighty pretty tonight.你今晚看起来漂亮极了。I think you're a bit too high and mighty yourself.我觉得你有些过于自以为是了。She has some mighty important decisions to make.她要做一些很重要的决定。The introduction of a new and mighty force had disturbed the old equilibrium.一股新的强大力量的出现打乱了原有的均势。Once a mighty empire ruled the world.一个强大的帝国曾统治世界。England's mighty navy made her mistress of the seas.英国强大的海军使她成为海上霸主。With a mighty heave he picked up the box.他猛一使劲,拎起了箱子。A mighty famine devastated the land.一场大饥荒摧毁了这片土地。She likes to rub elbows with the high and mighty.她喜欢结交权贵。It was a mighty good turnout.参加人数极其可观。The mighty empire finally crumbled.这个强大的帝国最终瓦解了。Being paper money, it rotted away mighty fast.由于是纸币,所以烂得很快。He thought himself mighty clever.他自以为聪明得不得了。It took a mighty effort to get everything done on time.费了很大的劲才按时完成了一切。He was acting all high and mighty.他表现得盛气凌人。The mighty iceberg came into view.巨大的冰山出现在眼前。With a mighty heave, we pushed the boat into the water.我们猛一使劲,将船推入水中。We're mighty glad to be here.我们非常高兴来到这儿。He has become too high-and-mighty lately. It's time someone cut him down to size.他近来变得骄傲自大,该让他有点自知之明了。You seem mighty chipper this morning - what's up?你今天早上看上去开心极了——有什么喜事?A mighty roar went up from the crowd as the home team scored.主队得分时,人群中爆发出震耳欲聋的喊声。Your father and I are mighty proud of you.你父亲和我为你感到非常骄傲。It sure was mighty cold last night.昨晚的确非常冷。He's not so high and mighty now that he needs our help.由于有求于我们,他不那么趾高气扬了。A mighty storm hath palled the sky.狂风暴雨中天空变得黑压压的。The mighty U.S. army was humbled by a small South East Asian country.强大的美军竟被一个小小的东南亚国家轻易击败。In the next game they will face the mighty Patriots.下一场比赛中他们将迎战实力强大的爱国者队。The mighty river lapses slowly onwards.大江缓慢地向前流去。With a mighty leap, he jumped across the stream.他用力一跳,跃过了小溪。This little vacuum cleaner is a mighty mite. 这个真空吸尘器虽然小但功能很强大。They got out of there mighty fast, I can tell you.我告诉你,他们很快就离开那里了。You seem mighty sure of your facts.你好像对自己掌握的事实非常肯定。It may be that she, being mighty among the Eldar, obtained this grace for him.她是埃尔达精灵中的强者,可能是她帮他得到了这个恩惠。I came mighty close to hitting him.我差点打他。They gazed in wonder at the mighty peaks.他们看着雄伟的山峰,惊叹不已。Then the whole thing short-circuited and there was a mighty explosion.接着发生了短路,随着是一次大爆炸。Wallace killed him with one mighty blow from his sword.华莱士猛力一剑把他刺死。The quarterback uncorked a mighty heave.四分卫突然大力扔球。With a mighty kick, he broke down the door.他猛地一脚把门踢开。




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