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词汇 middle
例句 Is there some design in having him in the middle?.让他呆在中间是不是有什么目的?A cat suddenly ran into the middle of the road.一只猫突然窜到了路中间。It is not just gang members who get into trouble - it's middle-class and upper-class kids as well.惹事的不仅仅是帮派成员—还有中产阶级和上层阶级的年轻人。I didn't want to disturb you in the middle of a meeting.我当时不想在会议中间打扰你。The car broke down and left us marooned in the middle of nowhere.汽车坏了,把我们困在了荒郊野外。The government needs the support of the middle classes to win the next election.该政府需要中产阶级的支持以赢得下次大选。Of course, slap-bang in the middle of town the rents are high.当然啦,市区正中心的租金是很高的。The protesters interrupted her in the middle of her speech.抗议者在她演讲时打断了她。His designer suits ruck up round his middle.他的名牌套装在腰部起了褶皱。We ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere.在前不挨村后不着店的地方,我们的汽油用完了。A group of young people dropped out and set up a commune in the middle of the forest.一群年轻人抵制社会习俗,在森林深处成立了一个公社。They parked the cars three deep , and our car was stuck in the middle.他们把车停放成三辆一排,我们的车被夹在了中间。I couldn't help drifting off in the middle of that lecture - it was so boring!我在听讲座的过程中不知不觉地睡着了——这个讲座太乏味了!My horse had a big white stripe down the middle of his nose.我的马沿着鼻子中间有一道粗粗的白色条纹。At the back there was a small garden with a fishpond in the middle.后面有个小花园,花园中央有个鱼池。She was middle-aged and running to fat.她人到中年,很快地发福了。The workers are typically middle-aged men.这些工人一般为中年人。The car ground to a halt right in the middle of the street.汽车慢慢停在马路正中间。Discretion is my middle name.小心谨慎是我突出的个性。The voters are split down the middle on this issue.选民在这一问题上支持和反对各半。What a conventional, middle-aged attitude he has to life!他对生活的态度实在太保守了,简直像中年人!Caution is her middle name.谨慎是她的突出个性。He took a middle-of-the-road approach to the problem.他对这个问题采取了一种温和的处理方式。The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle-class child of a small family from a good area.文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自好地段的中产阶级小家庭的孩子。At that time Britain was in the middle of a recession.那时英国正处于经济衰退时期。The guests were mostly middle-aged men talking business.顾客多数是些谈正事的中年男子。The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle class.文法学校招生时偏向于录取来自中产阶级家庭的孩子。This issue has divided the Conservative Party down the middle.这个问题已经使保守党分裂成两派。It was a hot, sticky afternoon in the middle of the monsoon season.那是雨季当中一个闷热的下午。The middle class was demanding for a Bill of Rights to entrench personal liberty.中产阶级正要求有一个能保证个人自由的 《权利法案》。Many of the girls were from middle class families who had fallen on hard times.许多女孩出身于家道中落的中产阶级家庭。The government must pursue an economic middle way.政府必须实行折中的经济政策。He was a man in his fifties, a little thick around the middle. 他已经五十多岁了,有点大腹便便。By late middle age she was very wealthy.她到五十多岁时非常富有。The pigs were feeding from a trough in the middle of the yard.猪从院子中央的饲料槽内吃东西。Where three roads diverge take the middle branch.到三岔路口时走中间的道。Slice the banana right down the middle. 把这根香蕉切成相等的两半。She put her arms around his middle.她用两只胳膊搂着他的腰。Luis told me how he'd been picked up by military police in the middle of the night, and taken away for questioning.路易斯告诉我军警半夜里将他逮捕并拉去审问的经过。The newspaper's readers are mostly middle class.那份报纸的读者大都是中产阶级。




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