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词汇 Middle
例句 The university has been a seat of learning since the Middle Ages.自中世纪以来,大学就是求学的场所。This message caused perturbation in the Middle East Headquarters.这则消息在中东总部引起了不安。The shop was tricked out like a Middle Eastern bazaar.这家店铺被装点成中东市场的模样。Most Middle Eastern countries have extremely high rates of population growth.大多数中东国家的人口增长率都极高。They signed an agreement that parcelled out the Middle East into several spheres of influence.他们签订了一项协议,将中东瓜分为几个势力范围。Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday.昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。This shows that the people of Middle England no longer trust the Tories.这表明英国中产阶级不再相信托利党人。The Middle East peace process is of catholic concern.中东和平进程是举世关心的问题。The success in the Middle East redounds to his benefit.在中东的胜利给他带来了好处。The President leaves for a trade mission to the Middle East.总统肩负贸易使命出访中东。I tend to know Middle Eastern countries pretty well.我还可算是比较熟悉中东国家的吧。Egypt is still a major power in the Middle East.埃及仍然是中东地区一个重要的强国。Stewart is the objective correlative of the Middle-American ideal.斯图尔特是体现美国中产阶级理想的典型。What are the greatest sources of conflict in the Middle East?.中东冲突的最重要原因是什么?This film is the latest incarnation of a fairy tale that dates back to the Middle Ages.这部影片是对中世纪一则神话故事的最新演绎。The store sells Indian, Asian, and Middle Eastern foods under the umbrella of international cuisine.那家商店打着国际美食的牌子出售印度、亚洲和中东食品。The Middle East has been the cockpit of modern history.中东一直是现代历史上的战场。Egypt has said there is no time to lose in the search for a Middle East settlement.埃及称寻求中东和解刻不容缓。The Middle East has often been a theatre of war.中东地区战火常燃。Farmers left the rocky hills of New England for the fertile plains of the Middle West.农民们离开了新英格兰多岩石的山丘,到中西部肥沃的平原去。He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict.他正在探询中东国家的政府要如何解决这次冲突。They acquainted Chinese readers with recent happenings in the Middle East.他们向中国读者介绍中东最近的动态。Middle class blacks in the US have not yet achieved parity with whites in graduate school entries.美国中产阶级黑人在研究生院入学方面还未取得与白人同等的机会。Both men served in the Middle East in the first Gulf War.两个男人都曾于第一次海湾战争时期在中东服役。The result of the election in is yet another hopeful sign that peace could come to the Middle East.已出炉的选举结果再次显示在中东实现和平是有希望的。The move represents a setback for the Middle East peace process.这个行动意味着中东和平进程受挫。The two great rivers of the Middle East rise in the mountains of Turkey.中东地区的两大河流发源于土耳其境内的山脉。President Hussein called on all countries in the Middle East to scrap nuclear or chemical weapons.侯赛因总统号召中东所有国家放弃核武器和化学武器。The result of the election is yet another hopeful sign that peace could come to the Middle East.已出炉的选举结果再次表明,在中东实现和平是有希望的。Such an attack could create serious instability in the Middle East.这样的一次袭击会造成中东地区的严重动荡。He is an officer in the Middle East command.他是中东兵团的长官。Washington was risking a conflagration in the Middle East.华盛顿正在中东地区冒燃起战火的危险。Here's our file on the Middle East.这里是我们关于中东的资料。Middle-class victims of crime are more inclined to contact the police.中产阶级的罪案受害人更倾向于与警察联系。Kim attends Byrd Middle School in Sun Valley.金在太阳谷的伯德中学上学。He went to the Middle East where he assaulted the Arabic language.他去中东,在那里他突击学习了阿拉伯语。The Prime Minister scrubbed his long-planned trip to the Middle East.首相取消了他酝酿已久的中东之行。The US economy depends on Middle Eastern oil.美国经济依赖于中东地区的石油。The village dates from the Middle Ages.这个村庄的历史可以追溯到中世纪。We can make do without Middle Eastern oil, but they can not.没有中东的石油我们也可以过得去,但是他们却不行。




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