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词汇 at risk
例句 The cement casing around the nuclear reactor is at risk.核反应堆外面的水泥防护罩处于危险之中。Many children are still at risk from neglect or abuse.仍有许多孩子面临受忽视或虐待的危险。The new system has built-in safety features to protect those most at risk.这一新系统本身就有一些安全特性,以保护那些最易受威胁的程序。If they have the virus they are putting patients at risk.如果他们有这种病毒,就会将病人置于危险境地。Their lack of training could put members of the public at risk.他们缺乏训练,这有可能会使民众面临风险。The doctor said that everyone was at risk for AIDS.医生说每个人都有染上艾滋病的危险。Lives are being put at risk because of staff shortages.由于人手不足,许多人都有生命危险。The policy hazarded the islands and put the lives of the inhabitants at risk.这项政策将这些岛屿和岛上的居民置于了危险的境地。Children must not be placed at risk.绝对不能让孩子们担风险。The remaining black bears are at risk from development in the area.剩下的黑熊因该地区在开发而受到威胁。The study found, among other things , that men and women are equally at risk for the disease.除了其他一些发现以外,那项研究还发现,男性和女性都有染上那种疾病的危险。The whole future of the company is at risk.这家公司的整个前途都处在危险之中。Any drug user who shares a needle is at risk of acquiring AIDS.共用针头的吸毒者都有感染艾滋病的风险。Doctors may terminate a pregnancy when the life of the mother is at risk.当母亲的生命受到威胁时,医生可能会让她终止妊娠。The doctor must not allow the patient to be put at risk.医生绝对不能置患者于危险境地而不顾。People who have many sexual partners are more at risk from AIDS.有多个性伴侣的人罹患艾滋病的危险较大。Working with sick people places him at risk for infection.和病人在一起工作使他有被传染的风险。He placed his life at risk to save them. 他冒着生命危险去救他们。Smokers are at risk of heart disease as well as lung cancer.吸烟者有得心脏病和肺癌的危险。Critics accused the governor of being irresponsible, and claimed that his new proposal would put thousands of US troops at risk.批评家指责那位州长不负责任,声称他的新建议会将成千上万名美军推向险境。The war volunteers were at risk of being caught in the crossfire.战争志愿者冒着被交叉火力击中的危险。The sick and lonely are most at risk.患病又无人陪护的人风险最大。Physically inactive people are at risk of developing heart disease.不运动的人有患心脏病的危险。The vaccine is available for those who are most at risk from the flu epidemic.为那些最易患上流行性感冒的人提供了疫苗。You put your tenancy at risk if you fall behind with the rent.如果你拖欠租金,就会有被拒租的危险。Some firms provide health checks for employees who are at risk of back injury.有些公司为背部有可能受伤的雇员提供健康检查。Those with fair skin are more at risk of skin cancers than those with dark skin.肤色浅的人比肤色深的人更有可能患皮肤癌。Wildlife along the coastline is at risk of serious pollution from the tankers.沿海地区的野生生物因受到油轮的严重污染而处境危险。Development in the wetlands will put the environment and wildlife habitats at risk.开发湿地将使自然环境和野生生物的栖息地受到威胁。The population at risk of hypertension is a moving target.有高血压风险的人群一直在变化。Drug users are at risk when they share needles.吸毒者共用注射针很危险。By not dealing with the problem of radioactive waste, we are putting the lives of future generations at risk.我们不处理放射性废弃物的问题,就等于把子孙后代的生命置于险境而不顾。The report underlined his concern that standards were at risk.报告强调了他对道德水准可能会受影响所表示的关注。The future of the party is clearly at risk from internal divisions.该党因内部分裂,其前途显然受到威胁。Politicians who are prominent in public life may be at risk from terrorism.在公共生活中非常著名的政治家可能受到恐怖主义的威胁。The pilot has been accused of putting his passengers’ lives at risk.该飞行员被指责使乘客的生命受到威胁。People who have had multiple partners are more at risk from sexually transmitted diseases.有多个性伴侣的人得性传播疾病的风险更大。The West's inaction has put millions of people at risk of starvation.西方世界不采取行动,导致数以百万计的人面临饥饿的威胁。The economy will fall further, putting more jobs at risk.经济将进一步滑坡,使更多的人遭受失业的危险。They believe that the policy puts the country at risk.他们认为此项政策使国家处于险境。




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