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词汇 messages
例句 Roy distills these messages into something powerful.罗伊将这些信息提炼成一种非常有感染力的东西。Candidates are taking their messages to the voters directly through placards and billboards.候选人通过告示和布告牌向选民直接传递信息。Bulletin board enables users to send or read messages of general interest.电脑布告栏使得用者能够传送,阅读大家都感兴趣的讯息。He says he has received many messages of support from the public.他说他收到公众寄来的大量支持信。Our nerves flash messages to the brain.我们的神经把信息迅速传递给大脑。If our environment cools, then messages from the skin alert the body's thermostat.如果外在环境变冷,体表会将这一信息传递给身体的体温调节中枢。You should delete messages from your mailbox when no longer needed.你应该把没用的信息从收件箱里删除。Spies used a scrambler to encode their messages.间谍使用倒频器把他们的情报译成密码。She checked her phone messages when she got home.她到家后听了电话留言。She has received messages of support/sympathy from hundreds of people.她收到了数百人的支持/慰问信。Some companies automatically delete all email messages more than three months old.一些公司会把三个月以上的电子邮件都自动删除掉。I phoned twice a day, leaving messages with his wife.我一天打了两通电话,托他妻子留了口信。Were there any messages for me? = Did anyone leave a message for me?有人给我留言吗?Are there any other messages for me, barring the ones on my desk?除了我书桌上的那些以外,还有我的信吗?Racist messages are being widely disseminated via the Internet.带有种族主义思想的言论在互联网上广泛流传。I get spammed with text messages several times a week.我每周都收到几次垃圾短信。Detectives worked to unscramble the messages.探员们努力破译电文。He listened to the telephone messages in sequence.他挨个听了电话留言。We have learnt how to condense serious messages into short, self-contained sentences.我们已经学会了如何把重要的信息压缩成简短独立的句子。She archived her e-mail messages in a folder on her hard drive.她把电子邮件信息存放在硬盘的一个文件夹里。His laptop chimed the arrival of new e-mail messages every little while.他的笔记本电脑时不时响铃,提示他有新邮件。He hadn't bothered to return her messages.他懒得回复她的短信。There are five new messages in your in-box.你的收件箱里有五条新信息。They also expressed their gratitude for the thousands of messages of condolence and support they have received.他们还对收到的数以千计表示哀悼和支持的信函表达了感激之情。Communications satellites relay messages and signals from country to country.通信卫星在国与国之间转发消息和信号。Data encryption ensures the privacy and confidentiality of email messages.资料加密可以确保电子邮件内容的私密性。E-mail provides a way of sending person-to-person messages almost instantaneously.电子邮件提供了人与人之间几乎是即时的信息传递方式。The bulletin board was covered with messages.布告栏内贴满了信息。He has sent me a dozen instant messages today.他今天已经给我发了十多条即时讯息了。The ability to read German encoded military messages was of inestimable help to the Allies in winning the war.能够破译德国军用密码电文对同盟国赢得战争的胜利帮助巨大。On the Internet, people can send messages worldwide in seconds.在互联网上,人们瞬间就可以把信息发往世界各地。At the bottom of the pile are the runners, young boys who carry messages all day.处于最底层的是送信人,那些男孩子整天奔波送信。Before the appearance of the telephone, people sent messages by telegraph.在发明电话之前,人们靠电报发送信息。He played back his answering machine messages.他回放了录音电话中的留言。The victim's parents have received thousands of messages of sympathy.遇害者的父母收到了数千封慰问信。A couple of messages had mysteriously disappeared.几条信息神秘地消失不见了。Advertisers attempted to beam their messages to higher-income audiences.广告商们试图以收入较高的观众作为宣传的对象。His choices are sending mixed messages to voters.他作的一系列选择在向选民们传递互相矛盾的信息。Radioed messages were bouncing off the aircraft carrier.无线电报正从航空母舰劈啪拍发。The Internet allows people to send messages all over the world.互联网使人们得以向全世界发送信息。




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