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例句 As mentioned earlier, the University supplements this information with an interview.如前所述,大学将通过面试对这一信息进行补充。He's being mentioned as a possible candidate. 大家都说他可以当候选人。He gave me an uncomprehending look when I mentioned her name.当我提到她的名字时,他一脸茫然。All of the above-mentioned movies won Oscars.上述所有的电影都获得了奥斯卡奖。All persons mentioned are carefully indexed.所有提到的人名都仔细作了索引。He mentioned the prize almost as an afterthought. 他几乎事后才提起这个奖。His whole face would lighten when anyone mentioned Nancy.一有人提起南希,他就满脸喜悦。It is significant that she never mentioned him.很重要的一点是,她从未提起过他。Wounded in action, he was twice mentioned in dispatches.因为在作战中受伤,他曾两次在战报中受到表扬。Laura had never so much as mentioned it.劳拉甚至提都没提那件事。As I have already mentioned, I doubt that we will be able to raise all the money we need.正如我早就说过的,我怀疑我们是否能够筹集到足够的资金。This is the gentleman whom I mentioned a moment ago.这是我刚才提到过的那位绅士。I'm flattered that my name has been mentioned as one of those who might take over.我很荣幸被提名为可能的继任者。He made a face when I mentioned her name.当我提到她的名字时,他显得不太高兴。His name was mentioned in the article, although he was incorrectly described therein as a medical doctor.他的名字在文中被提及,虽然他被错误地描述成了一个内科医生。She asked me what I would like to do and mentioned a particular job.她问我想干什么,然后提到了一份工作。I'm afraid you had hit a nerve when you mentioned his dead wife, and his face darkened.你提到他死去的妻子的时候,恐怕触起了他的伤心事,所以他的脸色阴沈下来。Coaches will set down and uplift passengers only as directed by the police in the streets mentioned.在上述街道,长途汽车只能在警方指定的地点让乘客上下车。Luke is mentioned first, jumbling the usual order in Christian texts: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.先提及了《路加福音》,就把基督教里《马太福音》、《马可福音》、《路加福音》、《约翰福音》的正常顺序打乱了。His mother is mentioned in the introduction.序言中提到了他的母亲。I perked up my ears when I heard his name mentioned.听到他的名字,我开始竖耳倾听。No one mentioned the divorce, so Lisa decided to steer clear of that subject.谁都不提离婚的事,所以莉萨决定避开这个话题。He was hailed as a hero, mentioned in dispatches and finally given a medal.他被誉为英雄,得到了通报表彰,最后还获得了一枚勋章。She perked up as soon as I mentioned that Charles was coming to dinner.我一提到查尔斯要来吃晚饭她就来了精神。As soon as I mentioned money, Karen was all ears.我一提到钱,卡伦马上就竖起了耳朵。He came into the room at the exact moment I mentioned his name.就在我提到他的名字时他进了房间。As previously mentioned, his proposal has been widely criticized.如前所述,他的提案遭到广泛批评。I mentioned in all innocence what turned out to be a very painful topic for her. 我不经意地提起了那个话题,竟勾起了她的伤痛。She's never mentioned anything to me about her husband.她从未对我提及自己的丈夫。He choked up when people mentioned his estranged wife.当人们提到他已分手的太太时,他便激动得说不出话来。You have just mentioned holidays. In this connection, I should like to make a suggestion.你刚才提到了假期,在这方面我想提一条建议。From the above-mentioned facts we can conclude that...从上述事实,我们可以得出结论…Amy had not mentioned the smallness and bareness of Luis's home.埃米没有提及路易斯家里多么小多么空。Freud first mentioned this concept in his paper 'On Narcissism'.弗洛伊德在他的论文《论自恋》中首次提到了这个概念。Three students were mentioned, namely John, Sarah and Sylvia.有三名学生被提到,即约翰、萨拉和西尔维娅。Iwant you to meet my friend Marjorie, who I think I mentioned in my last letter.我希望你见见我的朋友玛乔丽,我想我在上一封信中提到过她。Mary is a good swimmer, but she shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath with Joan.玛丽是一位优秀的游泳运动员,但不能和琼同日而语。I even went to the places Mary mentioned in the diary.我甚至去了玛丽在日记中提到的那些地方。It was only when I mentioned the money that she registered a flicker of interest.在我提到钱的时候,她脸上才闪现出一丝兴趣。Mr. Stevenson was mentioned in the annual report for his cooperation.史蒂文生先生因乐于合作在年度报告中被提名表扬。




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