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词汇 at peace
例句 We grew up in a time when the nation was prosperous and at peace. 我们成长于国家繁荣和平的时代。They make you relax. They make you feel at peace with the world.他们令你放松,让你觉得与世无争。I know you will never be at peace until you have discovered where your brother is.我知道,不查明你兄弟在哪儿你永远都不得安宁。It's the first attempt at peace since the commencement of hostilities.这是双方敌对以来首次为争取和平而做出努力。He is now at peace.他现在平静了。She's at peace with their decision. 她接受了他们的决定。Now she is at peace and her suffering is over.现在她安息了,痛苦也结束了。Once I knew I was forgiven, I could be at peace with myself at last.一旦知道自己得到了宽恕,我就终于可以安心了。The area is now at peace.这一地区现在很平静。Although the two countries were officially at peace, fighting continued.尽管两国公开表示和平共处,但战斗仍在继续。Once I knew I was forgiven I could be at peace with myself at last.一旦我知道自己得到了宽恕,便可以心平气和了。The problem was settled and his mind was at peace.问题解决了,他心里也踏实了。For the first time in months, she felt calm and at peace with the world.几个月来她第一次感到了平静和与世无争。He was at ease without and at peace within.他外表安详,内心平静。As a matter of fact, the town was at peace.实际上市镇里是太平无事。The two countries are at peace.两国现在和睦相处。My heart was at peace.我的心情平静下来了。She suffered greatly while she was alive, so let us hope her soul is now at peace.她生前受过很多苦,所以我们希望现在她的灵魂能得到安宁。They are at peace with each other.他们彼此和睦相处。




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