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词汇 meeting
例句 They quickly passed the word along that the meeting was postponed.他们很快把会议推迟的消息传达了出去。Something has come up and I won't be able to attend the meeting.突然发生了点事情,我不能参加会议了。Tina really annoyed me in the meeting this morning.在今天上午的会上,蒂娜真是把我气坏了。A lot of agnosticism exists among the media with regards to the summit meeting between China and Taiwan.对于中台之间的高峰会,舆论存有许多的不可知论。Becky could still recall that first meeting clearly.贝姬还能清晰地记起初次见面的情景。A date will be set for a future meeting.将会确定将来会议的时间。A group of students sought a meeting with the minister.一群学生请求会见部长。The theatre bar was our usual meeting place.剧院酒吧是我们见面的老地方。His boss bawled him out for forgetting about the meeting.老板因为他把开会的事情忘记了而大声训斥他。The meeting room is in use at the moment, so we'll have to go somewhere else.现在会议室在使用,我们只能去别处了。The announcement produced an angry/stunned reaction from most of the people at the meeting.这个通告使与会的大多数人感到愤怒/大吃一惊。I do have a vague memory of meeting her many years ago.我确实依稀记得多年前见过她。They wouldn't say what had transpired at the meeting.他们不愿说出会议上发生的事情。Masses of people attended the meeting.许多人出席了会议。After the meeting, he had a fuller understanding of the job.会后,他对这个工作有了更加全面的了解。I can't very well drag him out of the meeting, can I?我又不好把他从会场拖出来,是不是? Can you put a few minutes aside for a short meeting?你能抽出几分钟时间来参加一个短会吗?In an attempt to clear the air, Mills has planned a meeting with employees to discuss the issue.为了消除分歧,米尔斯和员工安排了一次会议来讨论这个问题。The meeting will be devoted to health and safety issues.这次会议将集中讨论健康和安全问题。She was quite affable at the meeting.会见中,她非常和蔼可亲。The meeting was of no significance.此会议毫无重要性。You are cordially invited to attend the annual parish meeting.诚挚邀请您光临教区年会。At a public meeting yesterday, environmentalists were finally permitted to have their say about the future of the ancient forest.在昨天的一个公众会议上,环保人士终于获准就原始森林的未来发表意见。This meeting is mandatory for all employees. 所有雇员都必须参加这次会议。He got the days mixed up and thought the meeting was today.他把日期弄混了,以为会议是在今天。Members of the radical Right combined with communists in holding an illegal meeting.右翼极端分子和他们联合举行了一次非法集会。Primakov was in Japan meeting with the chairwoman of the Socialist Party there.普里马科夫在日本会见日本社会党女主席。He signaled us that it was time to begin the meeting.他示意我们是时候开始会议了。He delivered an important report at the meeting.他在会上作了重要报告。One phone call was enough to get an initial meeting.一个电话就足以开个启动会了。Carol sat at her desk, daydreaming about meeting Mel Gibson.卡罗尔坐在桌旁,想象着自己遇见梅尔·吉布森的情景。Leaders of eight Latin American countries are meeting in Caracas, Venezuela, today.来自八个拉丁美洲国家的领导人今天在委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯进行会晤。The town meeting created lots of sound and fury, but no resolution.人们在小镇会议上嚷嚷了一阵,但没有做出任何决议。Before meeting with a client, you must try to erase any preconceptions you may have about them.在和客户会面之前,应该尽可能消除任何有关他们的先入之见。That meeting was way too long.那次会议持续的时间太长了。I've got a meeting next Monday.我下周一要开个会。The old man blew me up for missing the meeting.老爹因为我未出席会议而训斥了我一通。My notes are in accord with the formal record of the meeting.我的笔记和会议的正式记录一致。The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we've had to postpone it.会议本应该在周二召开的,但我们不得不将它推迟了。He is expected to be supported at the meeting by Dennis Skinner and Tony Benn among others.他预计将在会上获得包括丹尼斯·斯金纳和托尼·本在内的很多人的支持。




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