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词汇 meet
例句 We meet regularly to discuss working methods and share insights.我们定期聚会,讨论工作方法并交流心得体会。In many parts of the world, there is not enough food to meet everyone's needs.世界上许多地方没有足够的粮食来满足每一个人的需要。We'll meet you at the airport and take you to your hotel.我们会到机场来接你,然后送你去宾馆。It was refreshing to meet a woman executive.见到女性管理人员让人感觉很新鲜。Can we at least meet halfway on this?在这个问题上我们至少可以做些让步吗?The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens.美国将会采取必要手段对自己的公民尽其应尽的义务。Conference calls allow participants across the nation to meet over the telephone.电话会议使全国各地的与会者能通过电话一起开会。Fans hung around the stage door hoping to meet the band.粉丝们逗留在剧场后门希望能见乐队一面。The owners are ready to meet the miners.矿主们准备和矿工会谈。I'll meet you in the bar later.过会儿我将在酒吧和你见面。The local government has been unable to meet the demand for affordable housing.当地政府无法满足民众对于负担得起的住房的需求。The current arrangements for the care of severely mentally ill people are inadequate to meet their needs.目前对严重精神病患者的护理安排不足以满足他们的需要。You meet a lot of posers in this job.做这份工作你会遇到很多装腔作势的人。I can meet you sometime next week.我下星期可以找个时间和你见面。It's always awkward when you meet someone you know but you can't remember their name.遇到你认识的人但却记不起他们的名字总会让人很尴尬。Most girls wish they could meet a sensitive hunk, with brains.大多数的女孩都希望能遇到一位细心、有脑筋又有魅力的健壮美男子。It is self-evident that we will never have enough resources to meet the demand.不言而喻,我们永远都不会有足够的资源来满足需求。There will be a meet-and-greet after the show.演出之后将有见面会。We're dying to meet your new boyfriend.我们非常想见到你新交的男朋友。Before clarifying anything I have to meet with the directors.在讲明一切之前我必须和俱乐部高层进行会谈。Failure to meet a bill on the due date would result in total discredit for the drawee.票据到期不能偿付会使支付人彻底丧失信用。We tried to meet both children's needs without the appearance of favoritism or unfairness.我们尽力对两个孩子的需要都予以满足,而不显得有所偏向或袒护。I considered driving out to Atlantic City to meet her.我考虑要开车到大西洋城去见她。Wednesday afternoon is clear , so let's meet then.周三下午有空,我们那时见吧。If we band together, we can meet the deadline.如果我们携起手来就能如期完成。Teachers meet periodically to discuss progress.教师定期开会讨论进度。What a happy coincidence to meet you at the airport just when I wanted to see you.我正想见你,就在机场碰到你,真是令人高兴的巧合。Did you buy it at the swap meet?你是在二手交换市场上买的吗?If you want to meet them, I can fix it.如果你要见他们,我可以安排。I'd love to meet her but I'm too shy to introduce myself.我想认识她,但我害羞得不敢介绍自己。The two rivers meet just north of the town.两条河正好在该镇的北面交汇。A committee will meet regularly to discuss the company's progress.委员会将定期碰面以讨论公司的发展。I'll meet you in the city, that is, I will if the trains are running.我们城里见,那就是说,只要火车还开我就会见到你。There's a whole group of friends he doesn't want you to meet.有一大群朋友他都不想让你见。I want him to meet my pals.我想让他见见我的朋友们。He has demonstrated an ability to meet deadlines.他展示了如期完成任务的能力。Some of these politicians never meet ordinary members of the public.这些政治家中有些从未会见过普通民众。I'll meet you at the golf club.高尔夫球场见。Why don't we meet at that little French bistro next door to the theater?我们就在剧院隔壁的那家法国小餐厅里碰面吧。I'll meet you at a quarter past ten.我们十点一刻碰面。




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