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词汇 media
例句 Some blame the media for propagating negative stereotypes.有些人指责媒体宣传负面的模式化思想。He's studying politics and its relationship to the media.他在研究政治以及政治与媒体的关系。Once more people are wired, the potential to change the mainstream media will be huge.一旦更多人能上网,网络改变主流媒体的潜力将十分巨大。Some parts of the media are creating hysteria and exaggerating an important issue.部分媒体制造混乱,大肆夸张某个重要的问题。His campaign team have assiduously courted the media.他的竞选班子竭力讨好媒体。The portrayal of working women in the media tends to be very negative.媒体对职业女性的描写往往是相当负面的。I find the media's growing obsession with smut and sensation deplorable.我发现媒体越来越沉湎于淫秽下流和耸人听闻的题材,这实在可悲。Janet Jackson's new album has been heralded by a massive media campaign.珍妮·杰克逊的新专辑已经在媒体上进行了大规模宣传。He has frequently been targeted by the media. 他一直是媒体频频攻击的对象。The media has recently begun to pick up on this issue.近期,这家媒体开始在这个话题上大做文章。The visiting politician received coast-to-coast media attention.来访的政客们受到全国媒体的关注。The data in my report were gleaned from several hundred media coverage.我在报告中所提出的数据是从几百篇新闻报导中搜集而来的。If a politician transgresses, that is not the fault of the media.如果政客行为失检,那可不是媒体的责任。The lack of interest in the media is a telling sign of the industry's health.人们对媒体兴趣寥寥,这足以说明传媒业的业态状况。The media persists in its portrayal of us as muggers, dope sellers and gangsters.媒体一直把我们描绘成抢劫犯、贩毒者和歹徒。The media's coverage of the election has been skewed from the very beginning.媒体对此次大选的报道从一开始就有偏颇。Most media companies assume members of the general public are morons.大多数新闻媒体公司都以为公众是傻瓜。The movie flopped, despite the media blitz that accompanied its release. 尽管这部影片在上映时进行了多方大量的媒体宣传,但还是失败了。I’m not a digital media expert as such, but one of our guys who is, wrote down the specs I needed.我不是数字媒体专家,但我们中有一个人是,写了我需要的技术规范说明。The media has brought more unwelcome attention to the Royal Family.媒体对王室的过度关注令人反感。Big media groups are drawn to social networking sites because of their "sticky" nature.大媒体公司被社交媒体所吸引,因为他们具有黏性。He likes to put on airs in front of the media.有媒体在场的时候,他总是喜欢装模作样。His book foregrounds three events in which police relations with the media were central.他的书着力描写以警方和媒体间联系为焦点的三个事件。The media figured that she would be the appointee. = The media figured her to be the appointee.媒体预测她会获得任命。There wasn't much about the event in the media.这件事媒体没有多加报道。Angolan media reported that an agreement had been reached.安哥拉媒体报道说已经达成了一项协议。He seldom misses an opportunity to lash out at the media.他几乎不放过任何一次抨击媒体的机会。The content of the media course includes scripting, editing and camera work.大众传媒课程的内容包括广播稿写作、剪辑和摄像操作。After the defeat, he tried to avoid the harsh spotlight of the media.比赛失利后,他试图躲避媒体苛刻的批评。He claims that America's media has a liberal bias.他声称美国媒体有一种自由主义的偏见。What the media should not do is to exploit people's natural fears.媒体不应该利用人们天生的恐惧心理。There is a symbiosis between celebrities and the media.名人和媒体间是一种互惠互利的关系。The atmosphere has already been clouded by the BJP's anger at the media.气氛已经被印度人民党对媒体的愤怒弄得沉重起来。As soon as they learned of his arrest, the media vultures started circling.一得知他被捕了,媒体那帮趁火打劫的家伙就开始到处传播。Much of the opposition to this plan has come from the media.对这一计划的主要反对声音来自媒体。The local media reported rioting across the country.当地媒体报道了全国各地的暴乱。Their relationship will be severely tested in the full glare of media publicity.他们的关系将在媒体全面关注下经受严峻的考验。Reporters tend to circle the wagons whenever the media are attacked for bias.一旦有媒体因为偏见受到围攻,记者们就会集结起来,严阵以待。The meeting was held away from the attentions of the media.会议的举行避开了媒体的关注。The internal media was tightly controlled by the government during the war.战争期间,国内媒体被政府牢牢控制着。




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