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词汇 Media
例句 Media attention focused today on the prince's business affairs.今天媒体关注的焦点是王子的商务活动。Media sensationalism drives politicians to grandstand before a frenzied populace.媒体的轰动效应驱使政客们在狂热的大众面前哗众取宠。Media people need to be good mixers and good talkers.传媒工作者要善于交际,还要能说会道。Media coverage of the march focused on the few fights that broke out.媒体对示威游行的报道集中于爆发的几次斗殴。Media coverage of the event was mixed.媒体对这个事件的报道褒贬不一。Many older academics turn their noses up at subjects such as Media and Film studies.许多年纪较大的学者都对大众传媒和电影研究这类学科嗤之以鼻。Media reports generated moral outrage.媒体的报道激起了义愤。Media coverage of cycling in July was pretty impressive.关于七月举行的自行车赛,媒体的报道给人印象非常深刻。Media studies is regarded as a more exciting subject, if only because it's new.仅仅因为大众传播学是门新兴学科,它就被认为更刺激。United News Media, the national newspaper and television group联合新闻媒体公司,一家全国性的报纸和电视集团Media coverage of the issue has been hysterical.媒体在这一问题的报道上始终显得异常兴奋。Media people need to be good talkers and skilled negotiators.从事媒体工作的人应该能言善辩。




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