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词汇 meaning
例句 Critics and the public puzzle out the layers of meaning in his photos.评论界和公众揭开了他照片中的重重深意。The word has a very precise meaning.这个词有着非常精确的意义。I am using the word with its original meaning.我用的是这个词的本义。His difficult style obscures his meaning.他深奥的文体使他的意思晦涩难懂。He's very well-meaning, but he doesn't really understand what's going on.他心意是很好,但他不明白发生了什么事。Isn't there another word that has the same meaning?不是还有另一个词有相同的意思吗?He doesn't know the meaning of fear. 他不知道什么叫恐惧。The word has a slightly different meaning in popular usage.这个词用于普遍用法时意义稍有不同。The word takes on an entirely different meaning in this context.这个词在这儿的上下文中有完全不同的含义。One earnest young man asked De Mille about the philosophical meaning of his films.一位年轻人一脸认真地问德米尔,他的电影有什么哲理。To teach its meaning to a computer we must provide it with a precise definition.要使计算机明白它的意义,我们必须向其提供精确的定义。What is the meaning of life?生命的真谛是什么?Work? He doesn't know the meaning of the word!工作?他对工作根本一无所知。Some of the symbols carry meaning and some just represent sounds.有些符号具有含义,而有些只代表声音。Her writings took on new meaning after her death.她去世后她的作品有了新的价值。A lot of problems can be caused by well-meaning friends.很多问题会由好心办坏事的朋友引起。His note on this passage misinterprets the author's meaning.他关于本段的这条注释曲解了作者原意。He missed my meaning.他没有领会我的意思。They have divested rituals of their original meaning.他们使仪式失去了原来的意义。She was philosophizing on the meaning of life.她当时在大谈生命的意义。I can't sense your meaning sometimes.有时我不能领会你的意思。These children conceived reading to be more of a meaning-related activity than did the others.这些孩子们把读书看作比其他事更有意义的活动。The pathologist's phraseology would be different but his meaning undeniably clear.病理学家的措辞会不同,但毫无疑问他的意思很清楚。She mistook my meaning entirely.她完全误解了我的意思。They have caught a glimmer of the meaning of what he is trying to do.对他正努力从事工作的意义他们有了些模糊的认识。He was meditating upon the meaning of life.他在仔细思考人生的意义。Our freedom is being eroded by well-meaning bureaucrats.我们的自由正在被好心办坏事的官僚们削弱。I've been meaning to call him, but I keep putting it off.我一直想给他打电话,可是迟迟没有行动。Hugh's message was short, but the meaning was plain enough.休的信息很短,但意思却很明了。I keep meaning to put a lock on it, but I never get round to it.我一直想加个锁,但总是拖着没做。Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.这个词的意思很多人都要查字典才知道。The general gave him a look; its meaning was obscure.将军看了他一眼,眼神含义不甚明了。I think you misunderstood my meaning.我想你误解我的意思了。The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning.这个单词除了字面意思还有一个比喻意思。The interior meaning of the poem finally dawned on him.他最终领悟了诗中隐含的深意。Philosophers have searched for millennia but they haven't found the meaning of life.数千年来,哲学家一直在思索人生的意义,却还没找到答案。Read closely and you will discover an inner meaning to his words.仔细阅读你会发现他言辞中的隐秘含意。We yearn for beauty, truth and meaning in our lives.我们渴望生活中有美、真和意义。The clause was stretched beyond its original meaning.此条款超出了其文本原有的含义。His words were resonant with meaning.他的话意味深长,发人深省。




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