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词汇 meal
例句 You've been so generous, and I'd like to show my appreciation by cooking a meal for you.你真是太慷慨了,我希望能为你做顿饭以表谢意。I haven't had a hot meal in days.我好几天没吃上热饭菜了。A good meal promotes a feeling of well-being.一顿美食能增强幸福感。The meal failed to satisfy his hunger.这顿饭他没吃饱。You can just warm up the leftovers from yesterday's meal in the microwave.你或许只需用微波炉热一热昨天剩的饭菜就可以了。Would you like to go out for a meal sometime, Emma?埃玛,哪天出去吃一顿饭好吗?He supped a glass of wine while waiting for his meal.他一边等待上餐,一边品葡萄酒。I was sick as a dog after last night's meal.昨天晚上吃完饭后,我吐得一塌糊涂。Put the cost of the meal on your expense account.把这顿饭的花费记在你的报销账目上。You get an interesting meal for a reasonable price.你花不多的钱就可以吃一顿很特别的饭。This meal really fills the bill.这顿饭确实使人很满意。Smoking during a meal is not the done thing.吃饭时吸烟是不礼貌的。This meal will satisfy even the healthiest appetite.不管有多大胃口,这一餐都能满足了。Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy.迪基吃饭时一直在讲海军的故事,让他不胜其烦。They pitched into the meal.他们开始吃饭了。Don't worry about the price - this meal's on me.别管价钱—这顿饭我请客。On arrival, a six-course meal was top of the agenda.他们到达之后要做的第一件事是吃一顿六道菜的大餐。On the plane, the flight attendant brings you a towelette after your meal.在飞机上,你用餐完毕乘务员会给你一张湿餐巾纸。He had just had a meal and was picking his teeth after it.他刚吃完饭,正在剔牙。Our funds won't run to a meal in a restaurant.我们的资金还不够上饭馆吃一顿的。The guests were all very polite about the meal, but inside Joan just wanted to cry.宾客们对这餐饭都满口客气话,但琼的内心里只想哭。She scared up a meal from the bits of food in the kitchen.她用厨房里的一点食物凑合成一顿饭。Their dog devours a can of food at every meal.他们的狗每餐能吃光一罐狗粮。I was thinking of doing a meal along the lines of that dinner I did for Annie and Dave.我想做一顿类似那次给安妮和戴夫做的饭菜。I wasn't expecting guests, so I had to improvise a meal with what I had in my refrigerator.我没料到会来客人,于是只好用冰箱里的东西临时做了顿饭。It was a meal fit for a king.这饭菜算得上御膳了。She cooked her husband a delicious meal.她给丈夫做了一餐美食。Breakfast is her favorite meal.早餐是她最爱的一餐。He cooked me a meal, which was a first for him.他为我做了一顿饭,这对他来说是破天荒第一次。It was a miserable excuse for a meal.这饭真是难吃死了。The motorist decided to put in at the next hotel for a meal.那位驾车者决定在下一家旅馆稍作停留以便进餐。What an amazing meal!多美味的一顿饭!The remainder of the meal will do for tomorrow.剩饭剩菜够明天吃的了。We topped off the meal with a glass of cognac.我们以一杯干邑白兰地结束了这顿饭。The older child should be able to prepare a simple meal.那个年纪稍大的孩子应当会做一顿简单的饭菜。The meal was really delicious.这顿饭真是美味。Sit still and allow your meal to digest.静静地坐着,让胃里的食物消化消化。I only asked for a summary of the main points but she's making a real meal out of it.我只要个提纲,可是她弄得过于详细。The town shut down for the long midday meal and nap.在漫长的午饭和午睡期间,整座城镇都停摆了。When everybody had been served, the meal began.大家都得到一份饭菜后就开始进餐。




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