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词汇 mayor
例句 The mayor hopes to revitalize the city.市长希望振兴这座城市。The new mayor talks tough on crime.这位新市长在犯罪问题上口气强硬。Critics accused the mayor of compromising too easily.批评人士指责市长太容易妥协。The mayor blew the whistle on gambling.市长下令取缔赌博。The mayor clamped a curfew on the area after the riots.骚乱发生后,市长对这一地区实行了宵禁。He's a distant relative of the mayor.他是市长的一个远亲。They bemoaned the mayor's death.他们哀悼市长之死。The voters gave the mayor the old heave-ho at the polls.选民们不再投市长的票。The stubborn mayor finally consented to a dialogue with the strike leaders.固执的市长终于同意与罢工领袖进行对话。The mayor attempted to cover up what was a clear case of police brutality. 市长试图掩盖一起明显的警察施暴案件。It's time for the mayor and the police chief to kiss and make up.市长和警察局长是时候尽释前嫌了。The new mayor promised to redress corruption in City Hall.新市长许诺要消除市政府内的腐败。Viewers had been promised a no-holds-barred interview with the former mayor.电视观众得到保证将会看到一次与前市长无所不谈的访问。The governor's statement is totally out of harmony with the mayor's earlier comments.州长的声明与市长早先讲的完全不一致。The mayor made an appeal to the people of the city to stay calm.市长吁请市民保持镇静。The community lent full support to the mayor's plan.社区全力支持市长的计划。He let it be known that he intends to run for mayor.他宣布他打算竞选市长。The mayor is an elected official.市长是选举产生的官员。The people of Houston will go to the polls next week to elect a new mayor.下周,休斯顿的居民将投票选举新市长。If they thought the new mayor would be easy to bribe, they picked the wrong puppy. 如果他们以为新市长容易收买,那他们可找错人了。He was elected to the office of mayor.他被选上担任市长之职。If you're keeping score at home, this is the third time that he has run for mayor and lost.你如果私下有记录的话,会发现这是他第三次竞选市长失利。The lawyer was being groomed as a candidate for mayor.律师正在准备竞选市长。The town has had a lady mayor for a couple of years now.该市有女市长已经有好几年了。At the last town council meeting, her proposal was ruled out of order by the mayor.在镇议会终审会上,她的建议被镇长裁定为违反程序。The mayor pledged to combat crime.市长承诺要遏制犯罪。She was the first woman to hold the job of mayor.她是第一个当上市长的女性。We are delighted that the mayor will be gracing us with his presence at our annual dinner.市长将光临我们每年一度的宴会,我们感到万分荣幸。The body of the populace supported the mayor.大多数民众支持市长。People of every faith attended the mayor's funeral.信仰不同宗教的人士出席了市长的葬礼。He cajoled Mr Dobson to stand for mayor.他说服多布森先生参选市长。I agree whole-heartedly with the mayor on this issue.在这个问题上我完全同意市长的看法。The mayor gave/issued an order to evacuate the city.市长下令全城撤离。The mayor is willing to go to the mat on this issue.市长决心对这件事全力以赴。I saw an item in today's paper about the mayor's campaign plans.我在今天的报纸上看到一则关于市长竞选计划的消息。The mayor's office is in the town hall.市长的办公室在市政大厅。The mayor's popularity among elderly voters gives him an ace in the hole for the coming election.市长深得老年选民的喜爱,这是他应对即将到来的选举的一张王牌。He spoke critically of the mayor's policies. 他批评了市长的各项政策。The person who embodies democracy at the local level is the mayor.在地方上代表民主的人是市长。He was sometime mayor of this city.他曾任这个城市的市长。




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