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词汇 Maybe
例句 I have a feeling that she is in imminent danger. Maybe I'm just fey.我感觉到她即将面临危险。也许只是我想入非非。Maybe his advice will be of use to you when you're older.等你年纪大一些的时候他的建议或许会有用。Maybe we should try again tomorrow.也许我们应该明天再试试。Maybe the champion is losing her magic touch.也许这位冠军正在失去她的魔力。Maybe he was fed up with living a lie.也许他厌倦了虚伪地活着。Maybe that'll shake him out of his huff, she thought.她想或许那能使他消消气。Supposing he's right and I do die tomorrow? Maybe I should take out an extra insurance policy.假设他是对的,我确实明天就会死,那该怎么办?也许我应该再买一份保险。Maybe he's the McCoy, and maybe he's not.他有可能是本人,也有可能是假冒的。I grabbed her by the shoulders. Maybe I was too rough.我一把抓住了她的肩膀。或许是我太粗暴了些。Maybe I'm losing my sense of humor but I didn't find it at all funny.也许我的幽默感在消失,可我觉得这一点都不好笑。He tells me he's fed up with school. Maybe that's why his grades have been so bad.他跟我说他讨厌上学,也许这就是他成绩这么差的原因。Maybe it was the potency of the wine, but he felt remarkably renewed.或许是酒劲上来了,他感觉精神头儿十足。Maybe we should hire another secretary to lighten Barbara's workload.我们也许应该再雇一名秘书来减轻芭芭拉的工作量。Maybe she's a bit rude, but she's got a good heart.也许她有点粗鲁,但她心地善良。It's a long walk. Maybe we should get the bus.走着去很远,或许我们应该乘公共汽车。Maybe we should create an area for street performers.也许我们应该为街头表演者开辟出一个区域。Maybe we should see a marriage counsellor.也许我们该去咨询一下婚姻顾问。Maybe I'm misreading the implications of what's going here.也许我误解了这里发生的这件事的深意。Maybe she would talk to her mother one day, woman to woman.也许有一天她会和她妈妈进行一次女人之间的谈心。Maybe they've just gone shopping.或许他们刚去购物了。Maybe soon the scriptwriters will have to write her out of the series.也许很快剧作家就得结束掉她在该系列剧中的戏份,不再让她露面。Maybe there's a better way to get your point across. 也许有更好的方法能让别人理解你的观点。Maybe I'm just an old fogy, but I don't think this kind of music is appropriate for children.可能我是个老顽固,但我觉得这种音乐不适合孩子。Maybe you should see a homeopath.或许你该看一个顺势疗法医生。Maybe they are going to jack up the price of oil.他们可能会抬高石油价格。Maybe she could just sense what I needed.也许她恰恰能意识到我需要什么。Maybe I don't pussyfoot the way he does.也许我不像他那样态度暧昧。Maybe I'll take a punt on that horse. 我或许会在那匹马身上下赌注。Maybe you should consider finding a new job.或许你该考虑找份新工作。Maybe it was the trees that gave this place its atmosphere of mystery and timelessness.也许正是树木赋予这个地方神秘和永恒的气息。Maybe this photograph will jog your memory.也许这张照片能唤起你的回忆。Maybe we could still be together. A vain hope. But when you're in turmoil, you clutch at straws.也许我们还能在一起。这只是幻想而已。但是当你心乱如麻的时候,稻草你也会抓的。Maybe tomorrow will be better. Who am I kidding? Tomorrow will be more of the same.或许明天会好点。我想骗谁啊?明天还是一个样。Maybe we should take a leaf out of Branson's book. It's easy to see how he became a billionaire.也许我们应该学学布兰森,大家都不难看出他是如何成为亿万富翁的。Maybe she's in love with him.她可能与他相爱了。Maybe you should try yoga – it worked miracles for me.也许你该试一试瑜伽 — 它对我有神奇的效果。Maybe he's changed his mind.也许他改了主意。Maybe now they'll see reason and scrap the project.或许现在他们能意识到错误而放弃该项目。You never know. Maybe today will be my day. 天知道,或许今天将是我的吉日。Maybe all the burglars were out shopping the department stores.或许窃贼们都外出光顾百货商店去了。




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