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词汇 accord
例句 Hemming's account does not accord with the police evidence.亨明的描述与警方的证据不符。I know you were there of your own accord.我知道你是自愿去那儿的。His violent actions do not accord with his peaceful words.他的暴力行为同他平和的言词不相符合。He decided to go of his own accord.他是自己决定要去的。They left of their own accord.他们是自愿离开的。The door seemed to move of its own accord.那扇门似乎自己在动。His plans for the company did not accord with my own.他对公司的规划和我的不一样。The people of the region rose up with one accord against the tax.该地区的人一致反对这项税收。Several groups have decried the peace accord as a sell-out.有几个团体谴责和平协议是一种背叛。My notes are in accord with the formal record of the meeting.我的笔记和会议的正式记录一致。They protested with one accord that they had not done it.他们一致申辩他们没有干那件事。With one accord they shouted their approval.他们一致发出赞同的呼声。We accord great importance to education. 我们非常重视教育。There was a silence as the women turned with one accord to stare at Doreen.那些女人一齐转身盯着多琳看,全场鸦雀无声。Croatia has approved the new accord.克罗地亚已经同意了新协议。She came of her own accord. No one asked her to come.她自愿来的,没有人让她来。The stock market has started to bounce back of its own accord.股票市场已经开始自行反弹。He did not quit as prime minister of his own accord.他辞去总理职务并非自愿。With one accord, the delegates walked out of the conference.所有代表一致退出会议。Do you think David resigned of his own accord?你认为戴维辞职是自愿的吗?These results are in accord with earlier research.这些结果和先前的研究一致。We gave generously of our own accord.我们自愿慷慨解囊。What he is doing is out of accord with what he has always said.他现在的举动同他一贯所宣扬的完全不一样。They run away from the problem, hoping it will disappear of its own accord.他们避开了这个问题,希望它不了了之。With one accord they turned and walked back over the grass.他们步调一致地转身走过草坪。They claim that signature of the peace accord did not imply recognition of the state's sovereignty.他们声称和平协定的签署并不代表对该国国家主权的承认。He said the war had reached a stalemate and that a political accord was the only solution.他说战争已陷入僵局,政治协议是唯一的解决办法。They dressed up for the festival in accord with the custom.他们根据节日的习俗盛装打扮。It is important to the success of any firm that its partners should be in complete accord.合伙人步调一致对于公司的成功至关重要。His version of events does not accord fully with the facts.他对事情的描述与事实不完全相符。The fact that he had left her of his own accord proved to me that everything he'd said was true.他主动离开她这件事向我证明了他所言句句属实。Her hiccups stopped of their own accord.她的逆呃自动停了。 He left of his own accord.他是自愿离开的。I am glad to find myself in general accord with your opinions.我很高兴地发现我的意见与你的看法基本一致。The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.美国国务卿和俄罗斯外交部长进行了会晤,试图敲定这项难以达成的协议。His ideas and mine were completely/fully in accord. = His ideas were completely/fully in accord with mine. 他的想法和我的完全一致。The mayor will try to accord the controversy over the housing scheme.市长试图调解在住房建筑规划方面的争议。His interpretation of the data did not accord with the facts.他对数据的解读与事实不符。His words are in complete accord with his thoughts.他说的话与他的思想完全一致。He did not quit as France's prime minister of his own accord.他辞去法国总理职务并非出于自愿。




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