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词汇 matching
例句 She was wearing a diamond necklace with matching earrings.她戴着一条钻石项链和与之相配的耳环。You can fill any holes with plugs of matching wood.你可以用相配的木头塞子堵住任何洞孔。She was wearing a dark blue skirt with/and a matching sweater.她穿着一条深蓝色裙子和一件颜色搭配的套衫。The walls were painted tomato red, with matching red drapes.墙壁被粉刷成了番茄红,配上相配的红窗帘。A matching burgundy velvet counterpane covered the mattress.床垫上套着相配套的紫红色天鹅绒床罩。In the kitchen was a rustic oak table and six matching chairs.厨房里有一张粗糙的橡木桌子和六把配套的椅子。Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour.填补小洞要用颜色匹配的木材填料。She wore a dark blue dress with matching shoes.她身穿一条暗蓝色的裙子,脚蹬一双搭配得体的鞋。I can't find a matching pair of socks.我找不到两只成对的袜子。The two runners were matching each other stride for stride.两名赛跑运动员并驾齐驱。My bedroom has matching wallpaper and curtains.我的卧室里有相互搭配的墙纸与窗帘。Emily was wearing a dark green skirt and matching blouse.埃米莉穿着一条墨绿的裙子和与之相配的衬衫。Ten minutes later she reappeared, immaculately dressed in a red linen tunic with matching pumps.十分钟后她再次出现了,穿了件红色亚麻布短上衣,配了双半高跟鞋,打扮得十分整洁。The luxury model comes with a matching metal carrying case.豪华型附有配套的金属提箱。Someone fitting/answering/matching the witness' description of the burglar has been arrested.符合目击者描述的窃贼模样的人已经被捕。No other rock band comes even close to matching their talent.论才华,任何其他的摇滚乐队都无法与他们相提并论。The pair arrived in matching white outfits.这一对身着相配的白色套装来到这里。My mum gave us his and hers matching dressing gowns for Christmas.我妈妈送给我们一套情侣睡袍作为圣诞礼物。In the dining room is a highly polished oval table with matching chairs.餐厅里放着张擦得很亮的椭圆形桌子,并有相配的椅子。Police have arrested two men matching the descriptions of the robbers.警察已拘捕两名男子,这两人符合对抢劫者的描述。She wore a pink skirt with a matching top.她身穿一条粉色裙子和一件与之相配的上衣。She bought more fabric in the same design so she could make matching curtains and cushions.她又买了些图案相同的布,好做些配套的窗帘和垫子。She wore pink heels with a matching clutch purse.她穿着粉红色的高跟鞋,手袋与之很相配。The finals of the Championship begin today, matching the United States against France.锦标赛决赛于今天打响,由美国队对法国队。He had a Rolls-Royce, and he traded it in for two matching silver Range Rovers.他有辆劳斯莱斯,他把它折价贴换了两辆外形相配的银色路虎车。She wore a navy blue skirt with a matching vest.她穿一件深蓝色裙子和与之配套的马甲。The rooms are all of a piece with furnishings and fittings matching.房间的家具和配套设备都是一模一样的。The finals of the Championship begin today, matching the United States against France.锦标赛的决赛于今天打响,由美国队对战法国队。The lamps all had matching purple shades.这些灯都有与之相配的紫色灯罩。




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