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词汇 massing
例句 Clouds were massing on the horizon.地平线处的云层正在聚集。Troops are massing along the southern border.军队正在南部边境集结。The book describes tribes of barbarians massing on the borders of the Roman Empire.这本书描述了聚集在罗马帝国边境的原始人部落。The army was massing on the frontier.军队集结在边境上。The General was massing his troops for a counterattack.将军正在集结部队准备反攻。Western reports say that troops have been massing in the region since December.西方的报道说自十二月军队就集结在这个地区了。The General was massing his troops for a counterattack.将军正在集结队伍准备反攻。They are massing troops on the border.他们正在边境集结部队。Forces were massing on the border for an imminent invasion.军队正在边境地区大量集结,准备应对步步逼近的入侵。




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