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词汇 massed
例句 Both countries have massed troops along the border.两个国家都在边界集结了军队。The clouds massed, whipped up by the wind.云卷云舒随风起。He could not escape the massed ranks of newsmen.他无法从里三层外三层的记者中逃脱。I look around me at the massed ranks of reporters.我看看周围成群的记者。The massed crowds of supporters accorded him a hero's welcome.蜂拥云集的支持者们给予他英雄般的欢迎。They massed in front of the city hall.他们在市政厅前集会。A large crowd of demonstrators massed outside the courthouse.大批游行示威者聚集在法院大楼外面。Thousands of troops have massed along the border in preparation for an invasion.数千大军已经集结在边境上,准备入侵。Dark clouds massed and we expected rain.乌云密布,看起来就要下雨了。The students massed in Paris.学生聚集在巴黎。The generals massed their troops along the border.将军们沿着边境集合部队。The clouds massed, whipped up by the wind.疾风吹得云头攒动。Government troops have massed on the northern border.政府军已在北方边境集结。Dark clouds massed, and we expected rain.阴云密布,我们预料会下雨。




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