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词汇 masks
例句 The King took a fancy to ordering disguises and masks.国王迷上了订购化装用品和面具。The robbers wore masks.劫匪戴了面具。Some stalls are selling celluloid masks and kokeshi.有些摊子上出售赛璐珞面具和小木偶。They were wearing black stocking masks over their faces.他们脸上套着黑色的尼龙面罩。In the second part of the play, the actors take off their masks.在该剧的第二部分,演员们摘掉了面具。Too much salt masks the true flavour of the food.太多的盐会盖住食物本来的味道。Actors, wearing masks, came down among the audience.演员戴着面具走到观众中来。Dust masks are graded according to the protection they offer.防尘口罩根据它们的防护效果分等级。The thieves were wearing masks.窃贼当时蒙着面具。The plane lost cabin pressure and everyone had to use oxygen masks.飞机舱内的压力降低了,每个人都不得不使用氧气面罩。Every bed has facilities for oxygen masks and for administering blood transfusions.每个床位都配有氧气面罩和输血装置。Throughout the plane oxygen masks dropped from plastic compartments.整个机舱内,氧气面罩纷纷从塑料存放盒中掉落。The little girl was spooked by scary masks.小女孩被那些恐怖的面具吓着了。Both her attackers were wearing masks and gloves.袭击她的两个人都戴着面罩和手套。Cycle masks are designed to screen out pollutants.可循环式的口罩被设计用来滤除污染物。The bank robbers wore masks throughout the raid.劫匪抢劫银行过程中始终戴着面罩。Armed men in ski masks crept up on the van and raked it with gunfire.几个头戴滑雪面罩的持枪男子悄悄地靠近小型货车,用枪对着它扫射。The aircrew wore oxygen masks during the drop.在空降的过程中,机组人员戴着氧气面罩。If the cabin depressurizes, oxygen masks will automatically drop down.如果机舱失压,氧气面罩就会自动落下来。Only doctors and nurses have the decency to wear masks.只有医生和护士戴着口罩才得体。The animals were portrayed by actors in masks.动物是由戴着面具的演员饰演的。Both the robbers were wearing masks.两名劫匪都戴着面罩。They had followed standard medical protocols, using rubber gloves, surgical masks and sterilized equipment.他们遵照标准的医疗规程,使用乳胶手套、外科口罩和消毒设备。All guests wore masks to the ball.所有客人都戴假面具参加舞会。Doctors wear surgical masks in the operating room.手术室里的大夫戴着医用口罩。The men who held up the store were wearing Halloween masks.持枪抢劫商店的那些人戴着万圣节的面具。We donned oxygen masks as we began an emergency descent.我们在开始紧急下降时戴上了氧气面具。Some of the actors were in masks.有些演员戴着假面具。A light style masks some profound ideas.轻松愉快的语调背后隐藏着深邃的思想。The tribe has different ceremonial masks for each ceremony.这个部落的每一种仪式都有不同的仪式面具。Everyone wore costumes and masks to the dance.每个人都化了装,戴上假面具去参加舞会。They had started to issue gas masks and prepare air-raid shelters.他们已经开始发放防毒面具,并准备防空洞。




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