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The Marines also experimented with fast-attack vehicles, similar to dune buggies.海军陆战队还试用了类似于沙地车的快速进攻车辆。The Marines quickly blunted the attack and forced the enemy back in disarray.海军陆战队员迅速挫败了敌人的进攻并迫使其狼狈后撤。Thousands of men apply to join the Marines but only a small number are accepted.数以千计的人申请参加海军陆战队,但只有少数人被录用。The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag.海军陆战队队员爬到使馆大楼顶上,升起了美国国旗。Canadians seek enlistment in the US Marines because they don't see as much opportunity in the Canadian armed forces.加拿大人寻求加入美国海军陆战队,因为他们认为在加拿大军队里机会没那么多。Marines with rifles guarded them.手持步枪的海军陆战队士兵监视着他们。Paramilitary fighters engaged the Marines in combat.准军事部队的指战员们和海军陆战队打了起来。U.S. Marines were engaged in a firefight with local gunmen this morning.美国海军陆战队员与当地持枪歹徒今天上午交了火。U.S. Marines had a firefight with local gunmen this morning.今晨美国海军陆战队士兵同当地持枪歹徒发生了交火。The Marines went back to patrolling the hills.海军陆战队返回巡查这些小山。He's an officer in the US Marines.他是美国海军陆战队的一名军官。The two Marines had her pinned down, one on each arm.两名海军陆战队士兵一人按住她的一只胳膊,让她动弹不得。Two Marines escorted Benny inside.两个美国海军陆战队士兵把本尼护送到里面。 |