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词汇 many times
例句 However many times you explain things, you can never get him to understand.不管你把事情解释多少遍,你都无法让他明白。The two wrestlers have fought each other many times before.这两位摔跤手以前对抗过许多次。I've told you many times not to do that. = I've told you a hundred/thousand/million times not to do that.我已经跟你说过无数次了,不要那样做。His image seemed to be reflected many times in the mirror.那面镜子里好像映现出很多个他的影像。I'd given the talk so many times I had it off pat.这个讲座我讲的次数太多了,都烂熟于心了。She says that she doesn't know him, but in point of fact they have been seen together many times.她说不认识他,但事实上他俩在一起被人看见很多次了。The doctor wanted to know how many times I went to the toilet in a day.医生想知道我一天上几次厕所。Anson's abrasive personality has landed her in trouble many times in the past.安森粗鲁的个性过去使她多次陷入麻烦之中。I've wound up the clock so many times it's become a ritual.我上发条开钟已那么多次,因此已成为一种习惯。The audience hears the word so many times during the play that presumably they learn what it means if they didn't already know.观众在这部戏演出期间听到这个单词这么多次,因此可以推断即使他们原先不懂,现在也已经知道它的意思了。The woman upstairs shouted down at us and threatened to call the police, as she had done many times before.楼上的女人探下头呼喝我们,威胁要报警,像她以前多次干过的那样。Ask the surgeon how many times he has performed the operation before, and with what success.问问那位外科医生这种手术他做过多少次,成功率是多少。The receipt had been folded and unfolded so many times that it was almost in pieces.那张收条反复地折起打开,打开又折起,都快成碎片了。How many times a week do you go swimming?你一星期去游几次泳?The joke began to wear thin when you heard it too many times.这个笑话因为听的遍数太多变得不那么吸引人了。 He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical.他被多次问到同样的问题,所以他的回答都变得机械起来。The master disk can be duplicated as many times as required.母盘可以不限次数地进行复制。She became a millionaire many times over. 她成了有好几百万的富婆。These are arguments that I've heard rehearsed at meetings many times before.这些论点都是我多次在会议上听到的老生常谈了。I was very attracted to men and fell head over heels many times.我很容易被男性吸引,曾多次深陷情网。This issue has been rehashed so many times already.这个问题已经重提过太多次了。How many times do I have to ask you to pay attention?我要对你说多少遍你才能留心?I've driven there so many times, I could do it in my sleep.我开车到过那里这么多次,我闭上眼睛都可以开到那里。He could hardly believe that the woman sitting in front of him was the same one he'd seen on TV so many times.他不敢相信,坐在面前的女子和他在电视上看到过不少次的那个就是同一个人。The temple has many times fallen into disrepair and been rebuilt.这所庙宇多次倾圮,又多次修复。How many times do I have to tell you - don't touch my things!我要对你说多少遍—别碰我的东西!I've talked to him many times, but I just can't seem to get through to him.我对他讲了许多次,但我似乎无法让他明白。I've lost count of how many times she's been late for work this month.我已记不清她这个月迟到多少次了。She said it so many times that she came to believe it.这件事她说了太多遍,以至自己都开始相信了。I have shoveled the driveway so many times this winter that I think I can now do it blindfolded .今年冬天我给车道铲雪铲了好多次,我想我蒙着眼睛都能做这件事了。I had walked down this road many times before, but somehow today it seemed different.这条路我以前走过许多次,但今天不知何故好像不一样了。I've lost track of how many times he called last week.我忘了他上周打过多少次电话。How many times has she been married?她结过几次婚了?I've told you many times to keep those critters in the barn.我已跟你讲过多次要把那些牲畜关在畜舍里。Some religions believe that the same spirit is reincarnated many times in different bodies.一些宗教认为同一个灵魂会多次转世到不同的肉身里。No matter how many times you tell him something, it never seems to go in.一件事不管你告诉他多少次,他好像就是永远也听不明白。If you screw up too many times, they'll kick you off the team.如果你一次次地把事情弄糟,他们会把你赶出球队的。I looked down at the town, as I had done so many times as a young man, and remembered the people I had known there.我俯瞰着小镇,像我年轻时常常做的一样,想起了以前在那里认识的人。Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times.没人会相信他陷入困境,因为这种话他说过很多次了。I have relived that game many times and I still don't know how I missed the goal.那场比赛我回忆了好多次,仍不明白我是怎么会错过那个进球机会的。




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