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例句 This new tendency has raised many a conservative eyebrow.这种新趋向引得保守派瞠目皱眉不已。Don't worry about it. We've all made that same mistake many a time. = Many's the time we have made that same mistake.别担心。我们都曾多次犯过相同的错误。He scored many a film.他曾为多部影片配乐。He has gone through many a severe test during his lifetime.他一生中经受过多次严峻的考验。I have spent many a morning with my wife gathering mussels along the rocky beaches of Little Compton.我和妻子好几个上午都在小康普顿的岩石滩上采拾贻贝。He's quaffed many a glass of champagne in his time.他年轻时曾经开怀畅饮过不少香槟美酒。I've spent many a happy morning fishing from this spot.有许多个早上,我都在这个地方钓鱼,享受快乐的时光。It was far better than vegetarian offerings in many a posh restaurant.它比许多豪华餐馆里的素食菜品好得多。He seems sure that he will pass the examination, but there's many a slip.他看来对通过考试很有把握,不过凡事很难有十拿九稳的。I've been there many a time. 我已经到过那儿很多次了。I've told you many a time not to ride your bike on the pavement.我告诉过你很多次了,不要在人行道上骑自行车。He has rescued her from many a scrape.他几次三番把她从困境中解救出来。He met with many a setback in his lifetime.他一生中遭到过许多挫折。It remained a mystery for many a year. 很多年来,这一直是个谜。The maypole, a phallic symbol, would be raised on many a village green.许多村庄的公共绿地都会竖立起象征男性生殖器的五月柱。She has become the guru of many a modern mother-to-be.她已成为许多现代准妈妈的指导。I have spent many a day in his home.我在他家先后住过好多天。Her photograph graced many a magazine cover.她的照片给很多杂志的封面增色。It was very, very good, far better than vegetarian offerings in many a posh restaurant.这道菜真是人间美味,远远超过很多豪华餐厅的素食菜品。We've been here many a time.我们这儿已来过多次。The venom of jealousy has poisoned many a relationship.妒忌毒化了许多人际关系。We've been there many a time.我们已到过那儿多次。This charming village offers many a treat for visitors.这个迷人的村庄为游客提供许多乐趣。




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