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词汇 manuscript
例句 He found several errors in his manuscript.他在原稿中发现有几处差错。The editor laboured over the manuscript till early morning.那编辑通宵达旦费劲地修改那份稿件。He submitted the manuscript to publishers of children's books.他将书稿提交给一些儿童图书出版公司。She gave the manuscript a careful reading. 她仔细阅读了手稿。She was tasked with proofreading the manuscript.她被指派校对原稿。He has the manuscript lying by him.他把手稿放在手边。I think the manuscript is of doubtful authenticity.我认为手稿的真实性值得怀疑。It is not possible to reconstruct the complete symphony from these manuscript sketches.想要通过这些手写草稿恢复这一交响乐的全貌是不可能的。Please send me a copy of your manuscript when it's finished.写完后请给我寄一份原稿复印件。I am grateful to him for letting me read his early chapters in manuscript.他允许我拜读了其手稿的前几章,对此我十分感激。It is a Latin translation of a Greek manuscript.那是希腊文手稿的拉丁文译本。She mailed me a copy of her manuscript. = She mailed a copy of her manuscript to me.她给我寄了一份她的手稿副本。After his death, his daughter found an unpublished manuscript among his papers.他死后,女儿在他的文件中发现了一部未发表的手稿。He criticized the manuscript very favourably.他对这份稿件评价很高。The manuscript arrived over the transom.手稿是未经约定主动投过来的。He had decided to publish the manuscript no matter what.他决定无论如何都要出版那部手稿。Because printing had not been invented, it circulated originally in manuscript.由于当时印刷术尚未发明,它起初是以手抄本的形式流传的。Would it be in order for us to examine the manuscript?按规定我们可以检查原稿吗?The manuscript was yellow with age.手稿因为时间久远而发黄了。He sent the manuscript out for duplication.他把原稿送出去复印了。The editor's job is to prepare the manuscript for print. 编辑的工作就是将手稿整理好付印。The manuscript has been sent to the typesetter.稿件已经发给排版工人了。This is the extant manuscript of the poem.这是现存的该诗的原稿。There was a lacuna in the manuscript where the ink had faded.原稿中有一处墨迹褪色,留下一段空白。Rogers had purchased a valuable Hebrew manuscript from a dealer in Jerusalem.罗杰斯从耶路撒冷的一位商人那里购得了贵重的希伯来文手稿。She wrote her novels under the pen name George Eliot, because the publishers would not accept a manuscript written by a woman.她用笔名乔治·艾略特写小说,因为出版商不愿意接受女子的来稿。He shopped his manuscript around, but no publishers were interested.他四处推销自己的手稿,但是没有哪家出版商感兴趣。I'd receive the manuscript of a novel each month and have two weeks to turn it around and get it turned in.我每个月收到一部小说手稿,用两周时间完成,然后再把它交上去。The manuscript contains numerous spelling mistakes.这份手稿有许多拼写错误。Many publishers rejected the manuscript.很多出版商都退回了这部手稿。The faintness of the handwriting made the manuscript difficult to read.字迹模糊使手稿难于阅读。She discovered an original manuscript of the song in Paris.她在巴黎发现了这首歌的原稿。He submitted the manuscript for publication.他把手稿交送出版了。This is a photograph of the manuscript. The original is in the city museum.这是手稿的照片。原稿在市博物馆里。The present whereabouts of the manuscript is unknown.手稿目前下落不明。I had killed myself over my manuscript during the summer.在夏季我将全部精力都扑在我那篇稿子上。 I read his novel in manuscript.我读过他的小说的手稿。The manuscript you sent us has a folio missing.你送来的原稿少了一页。It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.他的真名并未附在手稿上,这让人松了一口气。He had been asked to transcribe an ancient manuscript.他被要求抄写一本古老的手稿。




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