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词汇 manic
例句 Her mother is a manic depressive.她的母亲是一名狂躁抑郁症患者。He's kind of manic - I wish he'd calm down.他有些焦躁不安——我希望他能平静下来。He was really manic.他真的很激动。On the first day of our holiday I'm always slightly manic.在我们假期的第一天,我总是有点狂热。Her mother is a manic-depressive.她母亲患有躁狂抑郁症。He seemed to have an almost manic energy.他似乎有一股近乎疯狂的劲头。He was diagnosed as a manic-depressive.他被诊断为躁狂抑郁症患者。He takes medicine to control his manic-depressive behavior.他靠吃药来控制躁狂抑郁症行为。Her daily schedule is manic.她的日常活动被安排得极其满。He was a manic-depressive whose periods coincided with the full moon.他是躁狂抑郁病患者,每逢满月就发病。She told them that her daughter-in-law was a manic-depressive.她告诉他们说她儿媳是个躁狂抑郁症患者。Mortimer continued to shoot, a manic grin on his face.莫蒂默继续射击,脸上带着狰狞的笑。We would hear manic laughter from their room.我们常听到他们房间里疯狂大笑的声音。Crystal is more manic and irritating than Williams.克丽斯特尔比威廉斯更激动,更生气。Her brother is a manic-depressive.他的哥哥是躁狂抑郁性精神病患者。Tonight he is manic, wired and uptight.今晚,他躁动不安,紧张兮兮的。The patient has a manic personality. = The patient is manic.这个病人患有躁狂症。




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